Sunday, April 25, 2010


Sass Sized Swingset

Sassy loves her new swing! She cried the first two times we took her out. She loves being outside.
Thanks to Auntie Renee who loaned me her minivan to pick up the set!

Leah couldn't stop smiling! It got pretty funny after 20 minutes.
Chris and I feel like we fit in with the rest of the neighborhood now that we have a piece of plastic play equipment in our backyard.


Creepy Crawly!

Sassy is an official creeper, an occasional crawler. She is adorable to watch. She is currently combining the rolling with the creeping and crawling.
Grandma and Grandpa L were in town for Chantal's baby shower, and they were excited to see a mobile Sass!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Silly Faces

Blowing raspberries

Making a fishy face
Happy girl!

New Tricks

"Hi" or "Bye, Bye"

"All done, crazy camera lady!"


This afternoon, I was sitting in a chair while Lili played in her exersaucer. She was doing her exaggerated happy scream to try to get me to play with her. When she discovered it wasn't working, she quieted down and said, "Mom!". It made me mist up!

New Toy

Sass has been coveting the Baby Einstein piano for a few weeks now. The past 2 times we've gone to Target, I've let her play with it in the cart. But, before we've left, I put it back when she wasn't looking. Both times, she has gotten a mystified look afterward. This time, I bought it. It's a hit!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Classic Brain and Sass

A funny Easter morning shot--Leah loves Brain so much, but Brain tires easily of the constant fur tugging--not enough to stop coming back, though!

Easter Jammies

Easter Brunch

Easter Morning

The Easter Bunny brought Sassy 4 books, a mini baby doll, 2 onesies, jammies, and a rubber ducky!

Leah liked the books best!

Final Four

I cheered for MSU in the Final Four. I even represented with a MSU tee-shirt!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Brain is Back!

After being gone for 22 long hours, Brain returned thanks to a nice couple two houses down. He was hiding under their porch. Thank goodness Brain Brain is home!

The Many Faces of the Exersaucer


The weather here has been beautiful! The second Sass gets outside she opens her mouth wide. She would love to spend all day outside in the lovely weather.

Squishy Face!

A few weeks ago, Chris and I noticed Sass making a mean face and breathing like a bull during our evening walks. We christened the face "Squishy Face". She now does it to make us laugh.


I liked bananas the first time, but didn't like them the second time. I think I'll just nurse indefinitely!

Keeping Busy

My new favorite activity is to carefully unpack my toy basket.