Friday, November 26, 2010

Good Boy!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We really enjoyed Thanksgiving at Auntie Madeleine's house. The food was great!
Lili slept in the car most of the way on the way there and home--the timing worked well! Leah enjoyed the fruit, bread, and chips most of all.

We found bunny ears in the toy closet and Lili insisted on putting them on. She loves to accessorize!

Thanksgiving Eve

Wednesday night we went to Auntie Renees house to visit with my cousin Brad and his twins (they are to the right of Leah). Leah took a few minutes to warm up, and then she was on! She spent the evening running up and down the stairs and jumping off the stairs. We left around 9:00, and Leah went right to sleep when we got home. However, she woke up an hour later and wanted to continue on with the party. She was up until 2:30 am laughing, talking, and dancing.
Wednesday afternoon Lili and I went shopping at Laurel Park (it's a tradition, we've done it since she was in utero!). She was an excellent shopper save for the fact she stole a Elmo finger puppet from a store--I had no idea until I got her out of the stroller at the car. We even had lunch date at Coney Island together. I rewarded her with a new Melissa and Doug puzzle. She can do the entire puzzle with no help!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Morning Fun

This morning I took the cover off Lili's chair to wash it. She got very upset and kept trying to put the inserts back into the cover. I stacked the inserts like blocks, and Leah got very excited. We had a lot of fun jumping on the cushions.

Leah's new Christmas jammies came from Hanna! It's a Christmas tradition! I think she looks like a Christmas elf.



Chris' mom brought us a caterpillar in the fall. This week we came home to a butterfly fluttering in a jar! Chris did some internet research and said it could still migrate if we set it free. We gave it some sugar water to build its strength and set it free. After a long, cold, rainy night, it had not moved. We brought it back into the house and set up a home for it in the laundry room. The cats had other plans. They pushed open the laundry room door and ate 1/2 its wings. It was still alive, but died two days later. We're all a little sad.

More Baby Luke

The family was finally well enough to pay another visit to Baby Luke. He has grown so much! Leah enjoyed poking his football buttons.

Not a Baby...

Leah was very interested in Luke's exersaucer. She insisted on getting in. I'm proud to report Leah gave Luke's toy the Sassy Seal of Approval.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Leah really enjoyed this Halloween. She loved her kitty costume. Lili especially enjoyed her Rice Krispie treat that I gave her in lieu of candy. She loved seeing all the kids in costume at our door. Some of my students even came by to trick-or-treat!
Squishy Face is back! Chris and I are so happy. Sass will even do it on command!
The cute black patent leather shoes seemed to irritate Lili at first, but after I took them off, she kept brining them back to me.


Leah was not happy with Mommy for taking her costume off. She insisted on keeping the ears on.
It was certainly a long night...