Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas on the 28th

Here is our annual Christmas picture. This was the first time all of the sisters and grandchildren had been together for a few years. All of the sisters are now married with babies!
Leah was very interested in Lucia. She tried to share her favorite toys with her. She also enjoyed teaching her about the Jumperoo.
Miss Lucia says, "Merry Christmas!"

Silly Sass

Beads are very exciting to Sassy. She spends a lot of time putting them on herself, the doll cradle, her Mama and Dada, Ruggie and Brain, and her baby. She especially loves to put them on the Ruggie and Brain. Lately Brain has been trying to play with them, which upsets Leah. She would like for Brain to leave them in the exact location she puts them.

Baby's Accessories

Leah really likes her new toys. She likes moving around the dolls chair and sitting in it. Lili also enjoys taking her baby and Addie for rides in her new stroller (thanks Grandma L!), but she really enjoys sitting in the stroller and getting pushed around!

Christmas on the 26th

Leah had a great Christmas on the 26th. She got a lot of great gifts. Her favorite was a new Karen Katz book from her Grandma M. We've been putting away her Christmas books, but we're leaving this one out because it is a hit!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Christmas!


Leah enjoys reading to baby. Here she is showing Baby the kitties (her favorite)!

Baby has a chair just like Leah!

Babies like necklaces, too.

"Want a ride, baby?"

"Night, Night!"

Santa Came!

Here is a picture after Santa came. The order of the stockings (or piles) is Leah, Mama, Dada, Grandma, Grandpa. It certainly looks like Santa had a favorite!
We ended up putting away about 1/2 the toys Leah received for later. I think I also need to go through the toys that Lili no longer, or never has played with and donate them to Goodwill. Leah is a very fortunate child.

Our living room looked a little like the Pottery Barn kids catalog. Lili's favorite toy was her new baby and cradle from Mama and Dada. Leah is also very into the baby bedding made by Grandma. She really likes putting her baby to bed. Lili rocks the cradle and sings to her baby just like Mama and Dada sing to her.


Lili's favorite stuffed animal. BFF's.

Kitty Games

Lili really enjoys feeding the kitties snacks. She evenly distrubutes the treats between Brain and Annie, but needs to be reminded to give Ruggie a snack, too.

Notice the necklaces? Lili is really into accessorizing.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

New Trick

I'm pretty impressed with Sassy's ability to balance on the lion.

1st Snowman


Leah didn't seem too impressed with the snow. She enjoyed looking at it through the window, but not being outside. She did, however, enjoy having mama stay home on Monday due to the snow!

Yay Leah!

Leah has grown so much since school started. She now says: mama, dada, kitty, uh-oh, thank you, what's that, cheese, hi, eye, baby, bye-bye, ball, book, Addy, good boy, and Roo (for Rugen). She can also follow directions. She will turn off the tv and lights, get a book, find Addy, sit in her chair, and go upstairs (to name a few). I'm so impressed with her growth!
She had her 15 month well visit last week. The report is that Leah is pretty amazing. Her stats are: 31st percentile for height, 50th for weight, 95th for head. She was not a happy girl at the appointment. She has developed some stranger danger and did not appreciate the nurse touching her.
Chris and I were just talking about how cute she's been the past week. Lili's newest trick is to wave bye-bye to everyone and wait at the bottom of the stairs when she's tired. It's really cute. Lili loves to wave!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

New Christmas Bulb

We got Sassy's blown bulb in the mail this week. She really likes this tradition. I can't wait for our tree to be full of pretty glass bulbs.
I showed Sassy the bulb and said, "oooooohhh! So pretty!". She took it and did the same thing.
Lili likes to try to put ornaments on the tree, but she is much better and taking them down!


Lili has gotten really into her bath now that she doesn't have to sit in the "baby" seat the entire time anymore. She loves stomping around in the tub, putting her face into the water, drinking the bath water.


Sass loved her pancakes last weekend. She ate over 2 entire cakes! The picture below is the monkey face she now does after being told something she doesn't like. I probably told her she had to wait until the pancakes cooled.


Lili likes to watch Mommy get ready in the morning. She likes to pretend to use my make-up brushes and tries to brush her hair just like me. She was particularly excited when I wore a headband this week. She kept taking it off me and putting it in her own hair.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Finished Product

Notice there are very few ornaments on the lower half of the tree...

Christmas Tree Farm

We headed out to Chelsea for our annual trip to the Christmas Tree Farm. We had fun selecting our tree. Lili was very well behaved, though she wasn't sure about walking through the tundra on her own. She insisted on being carried for most of our adventure. We are happy with our tree and looking forward to Christmas!


Leah in a Box

Swim Class with Daddy

Leah went in the water with Daddy last weekend. After 20 minutes, she had enough and wanted Mama. Lili really needs a 20 minute swim class since that seems to be her attention span for swim instruction.