Where have the last 2.5 years gone? I can't believe you are less than 2 months away from becoming a big sister. Sometimes I feel so guilty; you and I (and Daddy) have been a team for the past 2.5 years. You are used to always having an adult ready to play with you, read to you, or cuddle with you. Besides when Mommy and Daddy go to work, you are very rarely left with a baby-sitter. You are used to going on "adventures" with us and getting undivided attention. Soon, your whole little world is going to be different. There will be a baby who will most definitely change things. You may have to wait a bit longer for attention, you may need to play by yourself a little more, you may need to learn to share Mommy and Daddy's arms and lap, and your pleas to "get ready and go" may need to be turned down. But, I try to remind myself that we are also giving you a gift. We are giving you someone to grow up with, someone to play with (and boss around), and someone to team up against us with. We are also giving you someone else to love, and someone else who will love you.
You are still really into jumping, obviously. You are also very smart. You can count to 29 (then you go to 40), you know all your colors and shapes, all the upper case letters and most of the lower case letters, and are beginning to work on letter sounds. So far, you can tell us that B says "baaaa" and a few other random sounds that seem to come and go. You see letters everywhere we go. On a walk, you'll tell us you see an A (the frame of a swingset) or a C (the curve of the path). When we are out and about, you'll spell out store names and then ask "What's that say?" I think you will be an early reader. While you are doing pretty well with numbers, they are not your passion. Usually Daddy and I can only get you to count by bribing you (aka "You can have________ when you count to 30"). You are able to recognize all numbers 0-10 along with 14 and 18. You know all the animals and the sounds they make, and like to sing about them on "Old MacDonald's Farm". You love puzzles and are ready for 24 piece puzzles. I am amazed with how quickly you can put together some of your favorite puzzles.
You have gotten much more comfortable with others. It took a while, but you actually seem to regularly enjoy the company of others now (besides Mommy, Daddy, and our nanny). You like when people come visit, gymnastics class, and going out to meet friends. You like when others give you attention. You recently invited our tax man to come home with us. You like to play with Tea, our neighbor. If you see her outside, you begin yelling "Hi, Tail!" and ask her to participate in whatever activity you are doing.
You are becoming more independent. I hear "do it by yourself" several times a day now. You stopped sleeping in the "big white bed" and now look forward to sleeping in the pink room. Unfortunately, you still regularly wake up 2 times a night. However, I've finally got you to call "Mama!" instead of just crying. You are a very well behaved child (I write this after I get a phone call from Daddy reporting that you had to leave gymnastics after 15 minutes for constantly running away, not listening to the teacher, and laughing manically). You hate to get into trouble. Yesterday you colored on a chair. I had you clean it up, and told you firmly that we do not color on anything besides paper. You listened, kept your little eyes on the floor, and waited for me to finish. Then you said, "it's okay, Mom, c'here. I give you a hug and a kiss. See, all better?" I can tell you are going to be a great little Mama to baby sister. Last week you were playing with Big Bird and asking him what he would like to do, telling him that it's okay, and giving him a hug after he fell down the stairs. Right now, you are able to play independently for periods, but also still enjoy cuddling (it's how we begin every morning and end every day). In general, you like to stay close to Mommy and Daddy.
Daddy and I love you more than anything, and always will. You will be an amazing big sister.