Saturday, August 31, 2013

Leah's Birthday!

 We celebrated the birthday girls dinner by going to Olga's, just like we have for each and every birthday she has ever had. She dressed like a princess, naturally, and got a lot of attention. 
 We picked out cupcakes from Just Baked. Leah picked out pink, of course! 
 We sang Happy Birthday to the birthday girl! 
 Leah got MORE presents for her birthday: a very fancy  Rapunzel nightgown, 2 big, chunky necklaces, bubbles, a bride outfit for her American Girl, and a fancy pencil. She was thrilled! 
 Happy Girl! 
 Leah is the sweetest, kindest, smartest, and most beautiful 4 year old girl! 


 Poor Ruggie fell down in the garage on the way to go for a walk last week. He tore a ligament in his back leg pretty bad. He wasn't able to walk, and Chris was literally carrying him around the house. It didn't look good. We pretty much all said our good-byes to Ruggie before he went to the vet. It was so sad! 
 The vet said it was a torn ligament, and to wait it out. Ruggie is on pain pills. He seems to steadlily be improving, but he still has a hard time getting up and just lounges in one place all day. He can't go upstairs or downstairs, so Chris has been carrying him. It's really sad. 
We are glad that our doggie is back with us, but it sadly feels like the beginning of the end. We are all trying to give him extra love (especially me, who really feels like I have been a negligent doggie momma for the past 4 years). We are hoping that Ruggie heals well, and is back to his old annoying habits of jumping on visitors and scavenging for food from the girls soon. 


I don't mind bringing home animals from Sassy's school. The kittens are just way more my speed!

The Time we Brought Home a Pig

We brought home a piggie from Sassy's school. Chris and I really didn't want to, but Leah was insistent that we do it. Swizzle the pig stayed overnight with us. He liked to dig with his nose, make annoying piggie noises, and drink from a bottle.  
 Leah liked to walk him around like a doggie. 
 He made quite a mess in our mulch. 

 Leah and Lukey had fun feeding him a bottle. 
 It was an experience! 

This Girl

This little stinker is having a hard time with Mamma being back at work. She just wants to be held all the time now. If Leah gets on my lap, she pushes her off and screams loudly until my lap/arms are hers alone. If she sees Chris and I hugging or kissing, WATCH OUT! She will have a full on tantrum. It's really quite funny. I know we just need a few weeks of adjustment, and all will be well. I'm only gone for 4 hours! 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Leah's 4th Birthday Party

 Two princesses ready to party!

 Leah had so much fun at her party! She didn't feel nervous at all, and loved all the attention and presents. 
 A new umbrella from Mommy and Daddy was one of her favorite presents.

 Leah picked the cake herself from Pinterest. It was a lot cheaper than last years version. 

 Two cuties enjoying cake. 
 After the party, we went for a walk. It was pink overkill. Juliet was holding her baby, and dropped her mid walk. Poor Daddy had a panic attack that Juliet had fallen out of the stroller. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Just Because

Juliet loves her "baby" and is always walking around talking about her "baby". She will be a great big sister one day. 

Boot Girl

I ordered J. Boo winter boots a few weeks back. They came in the mail last week, and saying that Juliet "loved " these boots would be an understatement. She insisted on wearing them immediatly, and refused to take them off, even to sleep. They would sometimes fall off, because she was wearing them without socks, and she would always bring them right back to me and say, "B!? B?!". I took them off of her when she was sleeping, and she somehow forgot about them for a few days. A few days later, somehow the word "boots" came up in dinner conversation. Juliet immediately wanted down from her chair and set off to find her boots. They were up on a table, and she kept pointing to them and yelling "B! B!" until we put them back on her.

Princess Camp AKA: The Best Week Ever for Leah

Day 2: Leah as Bride Rapunzel with "curly" hair. She loves to wear her hair curly now. We braid it at night, and she sleeps in the braids. The next day, she loves her curls! 
 Day 3: "Light Purple Rapunzel Dress". Leah insisted on holding flowers for this picture. 
 Day 4: "Dark Purple Rapunzel Dress". Leah was so excited to wear her hair in pigtails with matching bows! She has requested this look several times since this pic was taken. 
 Day 5: Aurora, again. This time with a giant hair bow and a tiara. Curly hair, again. 
 On the last day they had a tea party. Leah was quite nervous about the tea party. She wasn't sure whether she would like the tea. I asked her teacher's on Friday morning, and Leah was happy to learn that the tea was just apple juice. At the end of the day, they "graduated" from princess school. Leah got beads, a candy bracelet, a wand, and a picture of her class with the "real" princess Aurora. 

 Look at all these princesses! 

 Happy, Happy Girl. She loved every minute of princess school and hopes to go again next year!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Princess Camp

Leah was SO excited for Princess Camp today. She goes all week! 

Stella the Cat

 Stella the cat spent the weekend with us. Stella is a kitten from Leah's barn at school. Leah's school lets you check out animals for the night or the weekend. We started small with a cat. Leah LOVED Stella. Stella is so used to being handled, that she pretty much let Leah do whatever she wanted with her. Leah loved playing with her, but wanted NO part of her at night. Stella would play and pounce on Leah while she was trying to sleep. She told me to take Stella back to the farm at 11:30 on Saturday night. 
 Our animals weren't so sure about Stella, but eventually everyone warmed up. 
 Even Juliet could carry her around! 
Next, we check out a pig! Seriously...... Leah really wanted to keep Stella, but we told her all the kids on the farm would miss her too much. Not so secretly, I would have kept her, too!