Monday, April 29, 2019

Cloudy Day Beach Fun

 Bodega Head. I will miss this view! The beach was just about abandoned during the week. It was like we had the entire thing to ourselves. Teddy loved the beach! He would crawl around and try to eat the sand and rocks. When we would leave, he would always whimper a little and look back. 

 Juliet and Leah were really into this little stream. They would make dams, bridges, and other things around it. I usually stayed back with Teddy and we watched.

Armstrong Woods

 We went for a little hike in Armstrong Woods. It was very green and lush! It was a little misty, but not rainy. 
 My favorite is always the moss covered tree roots. 


 I really wanted to do an old fashion/favorite California winery tour, but it wouldn't have been very child-friendly, and it would have been a lot for my mom to keep 3 kids in a not child proof home. So, we settled for one of the very favorites--Domaine Caneros, and a new one (to us) Castillo de Amorosa in Napa as a group. We had fun!
Everyone was squinty and the girls were being obnoxious in the picture above and I had to kinda yell at them that the world doesn't revolve around them and Chris told me I was embarrassing him. That's what I remember about that picture. haha. We had the wine and cheese and I told Juliet how the last time we went we knocked over my wine and I was so sad. 
 Here the girls got wine flavored soda and they loved it. 
Until we meet again, Domaine Caneros!

 I knew that Domaine was kinda out there and wondered what else in the area was "kid friendly". I found this winery that had a lot of great reviews. It's an actual castle and the girls had so much fun exploring. My dad is convinced that the wine is "seconds" from lesser quality grapes from the sister wineries in the area. I guess my palate isn't too refined, because I thought it was pretty good. 
 The courtyard reminded me of Winterfell and I had Chris act like Jon Snow.  
The views were really good, too! I'm glad we went here, and the girls had a ton of fun, but it's not somewhere I feel the need to return to. 

Friday, April 26, 2019

Best Beach Day!

 We walked through the cave. It was not as fun as I remembered! Very sharp rocks. There was a mud slide on the other side, and the ground was rocky and jagged. I did it once, and felt no need to do it again.
 Teddy touches sand for the first time. He was a fan! 

 These two loved these tacky Justice shirts! 
 "Oh, me? I just ate sand, thank you. I have no regrets." Teddy must have ate handfuls of sand. 
 Uncle Terry flying a kite with Boo!

 Leah liked climbing rocks!

Hiking Bodega Head

 Our first day in California was a beautiful day. We hiked "The Head" as the locals call it. It was beautiful!

 There were whales out there, but I never really saw them. Other people claimed to see a Mama and her calf. 

 Uncle Terry is such a good uncle!

"Real" Camera February

 The girlies before "Swaps". We had fun, but I will always remember that day as the day everything started going downhill with Leah. So happy for healthy kids. 
 Valentine's Day was fun! Teddy slept in Valentine Jammies, but peed out of his diaper in the morning. So, here he is as an elf instead! 
 Loved their Valentine boxes! 

Teddy Turns 1 Year!

Teddy Bear!

You are ONE YEAR old. How is this possible?

You didn’t get an eleven month update because of life. Never fear, I will document 2 months in 1 this time! It’s funny because at times you feel like a total third kid that gets shafted in things this. Other times, I feel like you  get so much more than your sisters got because we know how fast time goes and that you are probably our last child. One of Juliet’s first phrases was “Where mine?” and I wonder if you will be the same way.  

The biggest news is that you are a walker. You weren’t too sure about this at first, and we basically had to trick you into practicing for a few weeks. Then you got really into it! Now you walk all over. You are pretty steady when inside and barefooted. Outside, or with shoes, you are a little more unsteady. You don’t mind falling down. You just get right back up. Yesterday we were at Juliet’s soccer practice and we were climbing a hill. On the way down, you decided that you would just crawl.  

You are now pretty much in 12-18 month clothes. Occasionally we still cram you into 6-12 month pants because I didn’t buy you many in 12-18 months. I keep crossing my fingers that it will soon be nice out and we won’t need pants. At your 1 year visit, you weighed 25 pounds. Your height was in the 60 (ish) percentile, your weight was in the mid-90’s, and your head was in the 98 percentile. You have a great, round head, with a thick head of hair. 

You still love your little green fork and spoon from your food truck. You also love your “dimpl” which you carry around. I’m trying to get you to take a "lovey" at night that the Easter Bunny left you. One of your favorite things to do is to play in the refrigerator. You love to take out all the condiments. Your favorite one used to be the honey mustard, but now it’s the ketchup (only because you put the honey mustard somewhere random once when playing with it and we forgot about it-then when we found it we had to throw it away). Otherwise, you still love the dishwasher and trying to chew on Ollie’s ear. You desperately wish I let you play with my phone. You think your sissies are pretty funny and enjoy playing with them.   

You love to wave, clap, and open and shut doors. You will wave at anyone. You have a lot of personality and don’t seem to get shy around new people or in new situations. You really like cars. For your birthday, Grandma and Grandpa got you a push car which you think is pretty cool. You like to steer with one hand, and put your other arm over the seat. You look like such a baller.

You say “mama” and “dada” and some other attempts at words. We think we’ve heard “doggy” and maybe “yeah”. Your favorite thing to do is to cluck at the cats. You love to “help” call the cats over. You get so excited when you get to pet one.

You love to eat. We still buy you a rotisserie chicken every week. You ate a ton of ham on Easter and in the days after Easter. You LOVE cake. It’s not something that we usually have, but you got a cake for your 1 year photo session, and another on your birthday. We’ve been eating the leftovers from your big birthday cake for the past week. You think cake is the best. You continue to love grapes and blueberries. You also love string cheese and sweet potatoes. You drink water and occasionally juice from a sippy cup.

Your sleep has been awful, but I think we FINALLY kicked your last nap of the day. You really held onto that 3rd nap, Bearsey Boy. At night, you still wake up a few times. Almost always around 4-5 AM, and almost always again between 6-7 AM. And typically once or twice times before those times. Remember when you slept until 5 every day without waking up? I keep hoping that will come back. It was a rough winter with lots of sickness, though, and then a vacation, and then sick with a cold again. I have my fingers crossed that your sleep will improve this summer, though. 

You remind me of Juliet in how funny you think you are. You will put random things in your mouth or make funny faces just to get a reaction. You are always pleased with yourself, and think the world is a great place to live. You love to run around and Daddy and I always joke that you are looking for shit to tear up. You do not like being told “no” and pretty sure we are making a mistake the first time we say it. If we continue to say it, you like to preserve. Failing that, you like to loudly cry.

You are so ding darned loved by your family. We think you are the cutest thing ever and we love you fiercely.