Sunday, October 2, 2011


Like her Mama, Leah loves the candy corn pumpkins that hit the stores each fall. Like her Mama, she could eat the entire bag in one sitting. We've treated ourselves a few times so far this fall. Leah likes to make sure we both get the same amount. When we saw big pumpkins at Meijer, Leah was beside herself. She couldn't wait to get the "big pumpkin" into the cart. I thought it was a sweet looking pumpkin, so we added it to our purchases.

After dinner Leah was asking for the pumpkin. I gave it to her, and she very sheepishly started trying to eat it! She clearly thought it was made of candy. She kept half-heartily trying to gnaw on it until it became obvious that it was a decoration only. Poor Sassy.

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