Monday, May 14, 2012

Juliet Renee

Since I've started to use this blog more as our family's baby book, and less of a way to just share pictures, I wanted to record the birth story of Miss Juliet Renee.
I had been counting the days to my 38 week appointment because I knew they would try to jump start labor. In my head, I "knew" it was going to work. I just kept imagining going into labor that night, and Juliet arriving on May 11th. At the appointment the doctor was less than impressed with my natural progress and gave me a 50/50 chance of it working.
I sadly went to work on Friday, knowing that she wouldn't arrive on the 11th like I thought. I resigned myself to accepting that I could have a due date baby (or later). However, later that afternoon I noticed I was cramping a lot. Around 5:00 I started timing the "cramps" and noticed that they were coming every 5 minutes. I called Chris to tell him to come home (and pick up some "chocolate bars" for Sassy for breakfast on Saturday), alerted Renee and Cousin Hannah, and began weeding the front garden. It seemed as though the cramping as wearing off. Chris and I tried to "walk out" the baby after dinner, and the contractions started picking up. By 8:00 it was starting to seem possible that we would have a baby over the weekend. But, I still didn't really believe it. We put Sassy to bed at 9:30 and by then the contractions were getting really intense. Luckily, she fell asleep quickly! By 11:00 the contractions were coming every 3 minutes and getting really painful. We called over Aunt Renee and Hannah and headed to the hospital at midnight.
The hospital staff agreed that I was in labor and thankfully didn't make us walk around for an hour like they did with Leah. We were admitted and checked in. I got an epidural and Chris and I managed to sleep for an hour or so. Later they came in to break my water. By 8:00 they started to be concerned about Juliet. Her heart rate was dropping during contractions. They put me in several different and interesting positions, but her heart rate kept dropping. They said it happens in 20% of births due to the umbilical cord becoming compressed. Usually it's not a serious problem, but it is scary nonetheless. Renee came up and we started to get ready for baby. By 9:30ish I was dilated and ready to push. The doctor asked me to show him a practice push and was quite impressed with what I showed him. He quickly suited up and I pushed out Juliet in 4 pushes. She was born at 9:56 am on May 12th. She was 6 pounds, 14 ounces and absolutely perfect. She got to stay on my stomach for much longer than Leah did. We also got to stay in the room for much longer and relax. All in all, Juliet's birth was a vastly more positive experience than Leah's.

 Juliet has the same thick dark hair that Leah had, as well as the same monkey toes, but other than that looks completely different. We both see a lot of Daddy in her. She cried hard when they cleaned her up, and got great scores. She is perfectly perfect.
 Leah had an adventure of her own while we were at the hospital. We gave her a bath on Baby Eve, and told her that when she woke up Cousin Hannah and Aunt Renee would be there with her. She seemed skeptical. She woke up at 4 am and called for me. Renee and Hannah went in and explained that we were at the hospital. Leah and Hannah snuggled together and slept until 9:00 am (a record!). They then watched her new DVDs, napped, and ate some Wendy's. Leah came to see me at the hospital and was a happy girl! She kept telling me, "I had fun with Cousin Hannah." We spent some time together in the recovery room as a family in the late afternoon. Leah brought the baby a new bunny (which she know claims to have no recollection of, answering "dis is mine!" whenever the ownership of the bunny is called into question).  
 Our first picture as a family of 4! When Leah left the hospital, she was a little sad. She kept reassuring herself, "it's okay, I go home, we pick up Mommy tomorrow." But when Daddy went to take her home, she was crying  "Up on Mommy" all the way down the hall. I really wanted her to stay at the hospital, but knew it wasn't possible realistically. It was so sad to spend a night away from her! Luckily, she was fine at home with Daddy and went to sleep with no problems. We got to check out a day early and I came home on Mother's Day! I was so thankful to leave the hospital early.
Leah has been an awesome Big Sister so far! She will tell me, "Juliet's crying, and wants to nurse, Mommy" or try to help when she cries, "it's okay, baby, I here, I here." She has been a little more attached to me, but has no problem with me holding or taking care of Juliet. This morning Chris took Juliet downstairs when Leah and I were still cuddling in bed. Leah called out, "Daddy, bring Juliet back, back to her family!" We've tried to keep Leah's routine the same, and she has been amazing with continuing to sleep and nap at the same times.
Juliet seems to be a really laid back, happy baby. I swear she has smiled at me several times already. However, her sleep is just as miserable as her sisters was. I'm hoping it improves. After promising Chris I would try to truly use the co-sleeper this time around, I broke my promise 6 hours later. Juliet likes to be held, and to sleep close to someone. We will work on it. 
We are so happy and thankful to be a family of four. We can't wait to spend the next 2 weeks bonding as a family and seeing what life as a family of 4 brings!  

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