Saturday, June 16, 2012

Liberty Fest

 Robin and I decided to take our families to the Liberty Fest on Saturday morning. We knew it was going to be hot, so we went as soon as it opened. I was trying to tell Sass about the festival. I told her there would be animals, and she was not impressed. She kept telling me, "just wait until next week to see the animals, Mama, not tomorrow." So, instead, I told her about the rides. We google imaged "merry-go-rounds" and Lili started to get excited. She kept telling us about the horses that go around really fast. She has a difficult time remembering the name of the ride, so she just kept calling it "America". As in, "I want to ride America!" The above picture is her when I told her to show me how excited she was to ride "America". 
 Sassy really liked the merry-go-round. She rode it twice, once with Mama and once with Dada. The ride went really fast and made me feel like I was going to vomit. 
 There were other rides for kids. We weren't sure whether Sassy would ride any by herself, but she did! She was so proud of herself. She rode a train and an airplane ride all by herself! She had such a proud expression. The weather was really hot, or we probably would have stayed at the fest longer. 
 Juliet did great! She slept until we started walking back to the car. We were so proud of her! She also had her first night where she wasn't up for a hour in the middle of the night. She just nursed and went right back to bed! 
 On the way out, Sassy decided to go back to the animals. We went in the beginning, but Sassy just wanted to stay in the stroller with a sullen expression. On the way out, we went back. Sassy still didn't like the farm animals, but she loved the parrots. I said, "Wow, look at those birds!" And Sass replied, "What birds? Those are parrots." Haha. 

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