Sunday, September 23, 2012


 Jelly Belly Boo hit 4 months, and we knew it was time to get the exersaucer out. She loves it! If she is in the right mood, she will play independently for.....wait for it.....up to 15 minutes! That might not sound like a lot, but in this family, we celebrate any type of success!
 Leah really likes the exersaucer, and likes showing Juliet all of the toys. Juliet loves getting attention from Leah, and just stares at her with a big grin . 
 In other news, Juliet still sucks her fingers. A lot. Chris and I have just accepted it, though we try to yank them out of her mouth once she is asleep. 
 Also, Juliet has stopped sleeping through the night. For the past 3 nights, Leah and Juliet have shown their sisterly bond by waking up at the exact same time each night (usually between 2-3). I nurse Juliet and Daddy gets Sassy back to sleep. 
 What a joy Miss Juliet is. She may be demanding, but I can't believe how much she smiles and coos. 

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