Saturday, November 17, 2012

Happy 6 Months, J Boo!

J. Boo,

Your Daddy and I were just talking about the evolution of your name. At first, we all called you Juliet. Then, it became Jelly Belly. Then, Sassy changed it to Jelly Belly Boo Boo. Then, we shortened it to Jelly Belly Boo. Then, Jelly Boo. Now, we usually call you J. Boo. Sometimes even J.B. Days go by when I don't call you Juliet. I hope you don't have any identity confusion when you are older. Leah only calls you Juliet when you are in trouble (you pull her hair. A LOT). 

 You are such a sweet girl. You love to cuddle. Mommy just spent the past hour trying to get you to sleep in the crib. You seem to go willingly into the crib for anyone but me. We will work on it. Not at night, though. I think you belong cuddled next to me at night. 

You are a little girl. You still wear size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes. Most of them are still roomy on you, so I think you'll be in this size for a while. As of Thursday, you are in the 15% for height and the 41% for weight. You have the best legs and wrist rolls that I have ever seen on a baby. The pediatrician told us to keep doing what we have been doing because you are absolutely perfect. 
 You LOVE to eat. It has been such a different experience than Leah's. You love to eat fruit from the mesh feeder. Today I made you sweet potatoes and you were in heaven. You kept saying, "MMMM!" and trying to get your mouth back to the spoon. You ate 4 servings. Seriously. I plan on making all your baby food like I did with Leah. I am going to try store bought food a few times a week, though. We are going to Cozumel and I won't be able to make you food for a week, so I need you able to eat packaged food that I can take with us. You still love to nurse, and I hope we can continue for as long as you would like (within reason, of course). 
You are such a smiler! You wake up smiling, and smile all day long. You are happiest in our own house. You are not my shopping buddy like Leah was. You cry and whine in stores. You don't usually care for new environments. You still hate the car seat  We found out this week that you hate the car seat even more when it is dark outside. You were hysterical. Poor baby. 
 You love to play and are getting much better at playing independently  You like the exersaucer and the jumperoo. You happily play in both for much longer now. You especially love when Leah plays with you. You think she is the best thing ever. You like to put EVERYTHING in your mouth. The 6 Month sticker lasted 2 seconds on you before you pulled it off and started eating it. Leah gets hysterical that you are going to eat all of her toys.  
You can move around well by rolling, and are working hard to learn to crawl.

We have enjoyed every second of your life, Jelly Belly Boo. We can't believe you are now 6 months old. We can't imagine life without you!

Love, Always, Forever, Promise!
Mommy, Daddy, and Sissy

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