Sunday, January 13, 2013

Christmas Vacation Fun

Leah and Daddy made a snowman! Leah was so excited to do this, and enjoyed admiring her snowman for the next week! She was especially excited about the carrot nose. 
 Leah and Juliet had fun playing in the box the Juliet's diapers came in from Amazon! 
 Leah loves her Pete the Cat, and was glad that I saved him from the Meijer parking lot after he accidently go dropped out of the car after Christmas. For several days she told the story of how Pete was cold and alone and stepped on until Mama came back to get him. Leah has become such a reader! She carries all of her favorite books around with her. The collection includes all of her Pete the Cat books, her princess books, and a mish-mash of other books (including Duck for President, which is one of my favorites!). The pile is so big that she need to split it in 1/2 and have Chris or I carry 1/2 the pile for her. The pile follows her all around the house. She can read most of the books, perfectly, from memory. It's eerie and adorable to watch! During vacation, she would wake up around 6, and ask to come into our room. I would say okay, but she would stay in her room crying because she couldn't carry her books by herself to our room. I would have to get out of bed and carry them into our room. She would get in bed with me and fall immediately back asleep. 

 Leah wore her dark purple Tangled dress almost everyday of vacation. She was thrilled when she learned that the "glass slippers" from "Big Tangled" fit her, too. 
 Leah got Princess Candyland as an early Christmas present and LOVES to play. She has a knack for the game. I've played with her at least 15 times, and never once won. I even started checking her cards, but she is just a natural! 
 Juliet loves Leah's chair, and can't wait to get one of her own! 
 Leah and Juliet are glad that a Donkey named Dave is back in the living room. They both had fun jumping on him. 

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