Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Playing in the Rain

One of Leah's favorite accessories is her Aurora umbrella. Until 2 weeks ago, she couldn't have imagined a better umbrella. Juliet was, of course, jealous that Leah had something that she didn't, so I've always kept in in the back of my mind to pick up an umbrella for her. I've never actually remembered in a store, though, so Juliet never got an umbrella. 2 weeks ago we were all at a TJ Maxx and there was a Frozen umbrella. Juliet was so excited to get her own umbrella. 
 Leah immediately started trying to get her to trade umbrellas and selling her on how great hers was. Juliet refuses to budge. She agrees that Leah's umbrella is lovely, but won't give up hers. Leah just won't give it up, and keeps trying to get her to trade.  It's pretty funny to watch, except for when Leah goes into brat mode about her lack of a Frozen umbrella and needs to be reminded that she doesn't have it all that bad. :)

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