Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Lost Tooth

 Leah lost her first tooth! 

A few weeks ago the bottom right front tooth became wiggly. Leah couldn't decide if she was thrilled or scared to death. She landed right on pretty freaked out. She face timed her friend who lost a tooth to seek reassurance. She talked to Ethan who just lost a tooth, too. The first night her tooth was loose she was up crying several times throughout the night. After a few days and a lot of, "I JUST WISH THIS WOULD COME OUT ALREADY" it was finally loose enough for me to pull out. 
 She didn't like the blood (at all), but once it stopped, she was so excited. We got her a glass box for her to keep her tooth in. The tooth fairy brought her $5.25 and put a fairy door in her room. 
 I love this picture of Juliet. Hot mess express. 
Leah trying to show off her missing tooth (unsuccessfully)

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