Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Leah's First Day of K

 Leah had her first day of All Day Kindergarten. She was so ready and excited. I was a mess. Every year I think of her first days home from the hospital. Hearing the buses as I nursed her in the early morning hours. Feeling so blessed to be cuddling my healthy baby girl. Thinking that school and Kindergarten seemed so far off. I remember calling preschools when she was 2.5 and crying on the phone while I was asking questions. Now, she's off. She's on the "real school", "all day school" train. I know how fast it's going to go. And I'm sad for myself and happy for her. 
 Leah was so excited to go to school. The first day I drove her to school, but wanted her to take the bus home. She was a little nervous about the bus. However, we heard the bus as we were taking these pictures and she said, "maybe I'll just take the bus in to school this morning." 
 I can't believe how big she looks here. I waited with her at her school. She seemed a little nervous and timid, but also kept asking, "Can we go in now?"
 She got off the bus in the afternoon and was so excited to tell Daddy all about her day. Juliet and I met them at home and we went out to lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant. That might have to be a tradition that we do every first day of school. She was so excited and talked all about her day, her teachers, and some new friends. She is very excited to be able to order a lunch from the school cafeteria. She really wants to order pancakes. 
 Leah Bean, you are so big and so ready for this. We are so proud of you. We love you so much!
 She wanted to pose with Ollie, too. Juliet didn't. :) 
We try to do chalk art to celebrate the first days of school. She wanted to do it all, and even told me to make every single letter a bubble letter, but lost interest when she saw that I was doing random doodles with Juliet. She did the 1 and the DAY. 

We love you so much, Lili!

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