Sunday, October 4, 2015

Leah's First "Friend" Party

 Leah had her first "friend" party and her last party celebrating her 6th birthday. She's had quite the year of celebrations--a Chicago trip, a family party, AND a friend party. She's wanted a friend party since she turned 5, but I didn't want to have one until she started Kindergarten, as this is the school she is going to stay at. I thought it would also be nice to meet some of the parents in her class and check out the kids, too. Last year she was at my school, so I had a pretty good pulse on the class. It was a a great party. Leah had fun and it was nice to see the kids she has been talking about for the past few weeks. 
 Leah and Juliet were so excited. This day was super special for Leah because it was her turn to be "Star Student", and it was picture day, and it was "Friday Fun-Day" at school. 
 Here is her class. I think everyone had fun. 
 They chanted her name before presents, and it was pretty cute to see her come in twirling her hair, a tiny bit uncomfortable. I would have been, too! 
 I think everyone had fun. Leah got a lot of presents, and we've already had many fights break out in our house over who "gets" which present. Since Leah has had so many parties, I told her she needed to share her presents with Juliet. There is a stuffed dog and a Palace Pet that have been fought over relentlessly over the past 24 hours. It was so annoying that after a few glasses of wine last night, I bought another, matching, Palace Pet off Amazon so I didn't have to hear about it any longer. I'm sure I just taught them a life long lesson that if they whine and complain enough while Mama is drinking wine, she will just get another of the object being fought over. Nice. 
 I made these cupcakes. I even used an icing bag and decorating tip. I went all out. It took a LONG time (mostly because I had never used the tools before and didn't really know what I was doing), but I thought it turned out pretty nice. We also made fruit kabobs. During all this, we discovered our garbage disposal had a crack, so Chris had to go to Home Depot and install a new one while I did all the party work. It got a little hairy for a bit, but it all worked out. :)

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