Saturday, October 1, 2016

Apple Orchard

A few weeks ago we went to the Apple Orchard. We went because it was Honey Crisp weekend, which is our favorite kind of apple. The crop is always small and very popular. Last year they sold out of the apples in 2 days (which is why we went twice that year--once without Chris to get the Honey Crisps, and another time to have the experience as a family). The night before we left I read that most of the Honey Crisp apples were badly spotted and it was a really low crop. The day we went the worker told me to not waste my money on Honey Crisps because the quality was so low that year. Instead we opted for a mixed apple picking. The girls liked all of what they picked, but C and I were pretty disappointed. 

 Both kids liked picking apples. We made an apple bake and an apple pie. Leah and Chris took lots of apples to school/work. I boycotted because I was still upset that we didn't get Honey Crisps. 

 I love the pictures of them in front of the sunflowers. We've done this picture for 3 years in a row now. 

 A selfie

 Juliet loves playing on the "baby" bounce house. You technically need to be three or younger, but she got by the keeper. Leah likes the giant bounce house. Both girls wanted to stay and play, but it was Chicken Dinner day (our favorite day of the fall), so Chris and I both hurried the girls out to get our dinner. 

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