Thursday, March 21, 2019

Bearsey Boy is 10 Months

Well, considering this is your 11 month birthday, I should probably finally get around to writing your 10 month birthday post. I will try to keep all this information about your 10th month.

Teddy Bear,

I can NOT believe we are in the home stretch of your first year.

This month you started standing independently more, but would much rather cruise along furniture or crawl. Like Leah wrote on your monthly board, you love to be “free”. This month we started gating off the living room, and you DO NOT like this. You love to crawl around the house. You love to wait until no one is looking at you, then frantically crawl to the stairs. To let us know you are there, you say, “Ah!”. When we come after you, you start hysterically giggling and crawling up the stairs as fast as possible. It’s your favorite game. 

You also love to overturn Ollie’s water, chew on the tops of condiments from the refrigerator, unpack various cabinets, and generally make messes for other people to clean up.

This month you LOVED your green fork and spatula from the Food Truck. We frequently find you crawling around with one in your hand as you crawl. Like your sisters, you are not hugely into toys. You much prefer to play with random things.  You are starting to show more of an interest in books, and we are hoping that continues.

You are getting WAY to big for the infant car seat, and changes must be made soon because you are a big boy! You are still in size 4 diaper and in 12-18 month clothing. You still love to eat. This month's favorites are: string cheese, refried beans, black beans, and cheeseburger patties. When we go out, you typically get your own meal now. I don’t think we started that with Leah or Juliet until they were at least 2! This month you ate an entire kids meal from Chick-Fil-A. 

You continue to be generally agreeable. When we had Leah’s emergency, Auntie Renee came and stayed with you after our nanny left. You were just fine with this. You played with her and were a happy boy, not at all concerned with the break in routine, until 10:30 at night when she brought you up to me. You went the longest ever without nursing that day (over 12 hours!).

Your sleep has been abysmal, and you are now up several times a night. Like Juliet did, you enjoy butting your head against something when you sleep (lately it’s been Daddy). I’m hoping that as the weather warms up, you run around more and sleep better at night.

You say “Mama” ONLY when you are feeling extra pathetic and needy (usually you are pawing at my legs to be picked up when you say it). You categorically refuse to say it under any other circumstance. I LOVE hearing you say “Mama”, but also know it means you’ve reached your breaking point. You can babble “Da-Da-Da”, but I’m not totally sure you say that with purpose yet. You also come pretty close to saying “Doggy”, but also am not quite ready to say that is purposeful yet.

You love Ollie and Tilly and love that they let you crawl all over them. You love Brain and Annie, too, but they seem weary of you (they know the baby drill) and don’t let you push and pull on them in the same way as our baby rookie pets.  

We continue to love you so much. One of my favorite things is school mornings. Your sisters can be grumpy and annoying when I wake them up by myself. But when YOU wake up, and we all pile into our big bed, everyone is suddenly in a better mood. Your sisters want to kiss you, hug you, and tell you "GOOD MORNING, MINIATURE MAN!" It's like the entire morning is reset when you wake up.

Happiest of 10 months, Sweet Boy!

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