Sunday, March 29, 2020


 We love watching Trevor play games! Last year Teddy napped during most of the games, but this year he was a lot more active! Teddy loves everything related to balls. Leah and Juliet love the snacks and socializing aspect of the games. Fun family Saturdays! 
We did our usual apple picking. Look at Juliet--she's wearing Teddy's size 18 month jacket in this picture. We had a lot of fun, even though it started raining! The Honey Crisp season is short, so you have to do what you have to do!

 Teddy had fun at the ice cream social. This picture is from my office. 

This was Leah's "birthday party" year. Instead she elected to have a sleepover with her best friend, Momoka. They had so much fun and were so sweet together. Momoka has moved back to Japan, and we miss her so much. 
 Leah's Girl Scout troop did a scavenger hunt  using "geo-caching" in Downtown Plymouth. It was a ton of fun! 
 The highlight of Teddy's day is seeing a fire truck, garbage truck, or recycling truck. 
 Juliet picked up Leah's slack leaving lunchtime notes for me in my office. Seeing these notes always makes me smile, and is my favorite part of the day. 

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