Sunday, April 5, 2020

Last of February/Beginning of March

 We had SWAPS at School. Love my two little Scouts! Then we also sold cookies!

 Princess Teddy
Our gymnastics super star!  
 We had a snow day and Leah and Juliet built this amazing fort. Perfect snow day activity! 

 Teddy found an old mask in one of Juliet's doctor's kits. I sent this picture to Chris and said, "Dr. Teddy getting ready to treat Corona virus". Kind of sad that less than a month later, seeing 85% of people in grocery stores wearing masks is not shocking. 
 Leah did a presentation on Michelle Obama. She really took responsibility for this project. She was all in! She researched, wrote and revised a 2 minute (which is a long time!) speech. She designed the poster, too. She wanted zero help from either of us. She did a great job, and I got all misty-eyed watching her present to her class and other parents. 

 More Girl Scout Selling! 
 Leah performed at Cherry Hill Theater for a fundraiser. Another Mom and I planned on just getting drinks during the performance, but the bar ended up closing for an event, so we ended up buying tickets (and several glasses of wine) and watching them perform. I'm glad I did, since it seems like the season is likely over now. Leah loved it, and was totally glowing on stage. 
 Teddy loves to vacuum! He's got the VanOtterloo gene for sure! 
 This picture was taken 3 days before the world ended. Juliet had one of her besties over for Taco Bell and a play-date. He had never had Taco Bell before! We were excited to share it with him. Now it seems weird that we got food from a restaurant and didn't completely wipe it down, wash our hands 5 times, and replate it, washing hands again, before eating it. 

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