Sunday, October 4, 2020


Chris worked really hard most of the Spring--lots and lots of hours. When we saw an opening, we booked a trip to Petosky for some family fun time. We knew we were going to OBX, but weren't sure if it would actually happen due to stupid COVID. I'm so glad we got to do both. We had beautiful weather Up North and had a great time reconnecting with each other. 

Juliet is always busy creating. She made lots of sand castle type things. Poor girl had to work around Teddy "helping" and just flat out destroying. 

It took me a lot of time and stalking to find a Bogg Bag. I snapped this picture of Boo and she was put on their Instagram page. She was SO EXCITED. 
We rented a boat and even though it was a bit stressful at times navigating the lock, it was so much fun and such a memorable experience. We went down the river where our hotel was and into Burt Lake. We will definitely rent one again the next time we go up. We docked and explored a private beach.  Teddy was a bit of a shit about wearing a life jacket, so we do need to work on that

Chris and I decided that even though we aren't really lake people, maybe we should buy a cabin or cottage when our kids get older so they always want to come and visit us and spend time with us on the weekends. 

It was HOT during our time up there. Most days the sand dunes were too hot to play on. We came one evening and the sand had cooled down. Leah and Teddy had a lot of fun chasing each other up and down the hills. 

Happy 4th of July! This was a pretty busy day on the beach--a little busier than we were comfortable with. We saw lots of groups of people being reckless which was sometimes entertaining and sometimes infuriating. This day there were lots of Trump flags displayed on boats. I complained bitterly that they were ruining my view. 

More of Juliet's amazing creations!
What a beautiful place! I hope we can come back next summer in a more normal way!


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Anonymous said...
