Sunday, September 30, 2018

Bear is FIVE months!

Happy Five Months, Bear!

I'm a little late. It's been a busy month with Grandma and Grandpa staying with us, jammed packed weekends, and too many activities during the week! You've been to several of Juliet's soccer games and 2 day long tailgates. You do great everywhere you go and get so many compliments for your great attitude.

A few weeks ago I was at the bus stop thinking about how scared I was a year ago. I worried about you every day. I was thinking that if, 1 year ago, someone asked me to pick my perfect baby, I would have picked everything you are. I would have wanted a boy, for him to have my coloring and chin (so one kid looked like me!), I would have wanted him to be a bigger boy (and healthy!), and for him to be happy and easy going, but also a bit of a Mama's boy. I got it all!

You had a great month. This month you learned to roll over both ways. You love to show it off during diaper changes and when I am trying to get you dressed. You love to talk and coo and I swear you are getting close to making purposeful words. Everyone kind of rolled their eyes when I said that about smiling, but who was smiling at the camera at one month exactly?

You woke up in the middle of the night a few days ago and said, "hi!". When I leave you for too long in the exersaucer or something you cry, "Ma ma ma" We hear lots of "m" sounds from you, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed you say "Mama" first.

Your hands are always in your mouth and you have started to drool a little more. Today I was looking closely and I'm pretty sure I saw 2 little bottom teeth just underneath your gums. You LOVE toys and I am always reminding Daddy to give you a toy to hold when he holds you. You positively love beer cans and make it your mission in life to closely inspect as many as possible. Leah even cleaned out a few for you, took off the tabs, and taped over the spouts. She wrote on them "for Teddy: completely baby safe". So, when CPS comes, we will be all good. Last month Daddy got the exersaucer out and cleaned up for you, and you have loved it! You like to stand up tall like a "big boy".
 You completely fell in love with your sisters this month. They can make you smile and laugh so much quicker than Daddy or I can. And you always laugh harder for them, too. We let them start to carry you in addition to just holding you, and the sight of Juliet carrying you across the living room makes us laugh out loud every time we see it. You think it's funny too. You seem to be about half her height, and are more than half her weight. We always warn them to be calmer with you, but you like when they are frisky!
This month I noticed how much you rub your feet together. When you lay down, you just rub them together until we pick you back up. It's really cute! You eyes have stayed blue (take that, nasty lady at Holiday Market!) and your hair is still white blond. You still sleep swaddled (we didn't for a night, and it was a disaster!) in your dock-a-tot until between 2-5am. Then you get a diaper change, nursed, and turned over to your belly. You wake up again around 6 and I can usually nurse you back to sleep until you wake up for the day between 7-9am. 

This month I've let you try a little bit of my ice cream of milk from my cereal. When you see me come sit down next to you with a bowl and spoon, you get very excited! You open your mouth like a little baby bird and smile big after every bite. I wanted to hold off on food until 6 months, but I might add sweet potatoes to the shopping list because I think you are ready for it, and I know you would love it! 

Here you are rolling over your sign! 
 We love you so, so much!!

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