Monday, August 8, 2011

Family Birthday Celebration

We had our second annual summer birthday celebration while in Corolla. Nicole, Chantal, my dad, Barclay, Lucia, and Sassy all have birthdays between June and August. Dinner time in the OBX wasn't particularly enjoyable for Miss Leah. The large crowd of people upstairs mainly overwhelmed her. She preferred to eat her dinner away from the group (but still with Mama and Dada, of course!). However, on this day, she was more than willing to be a part of the celebration. Once she heard that there was cake, she was jumping up and down. As she rode down in the elevator with us she was talking the entire time about her cake. As Auntie Renee cut the cake, Leah ran over and hugged her legs tight. Sassy didn't particularly care for the singing, she turned around and hugged me tight. However, she was all over the cake (she got the first slice!).

Below is Daddy's new favorite picture of Leah. She is in her cake "Homer Simpson" half coma. This girl loves cake!

"No, baby, NO! Go away!" Poor Lucia couldn't get within 5 feet of Leah's cake. We promise to work on Sassy's attitude before the next trip.

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