Leah loves to talk. Her language has really exploded this summer. Every time someone sees her one of the first comments we hear is, "she is really talking a lot more!". Leah loves to talk. Her favorite topics of discussions are Mama/Dada ("where da Mama?" "Come with da Mama?," "find Dada," "Dada pee and wash hands!"), Sesame Street ("DD?" "Two Eeeerrrrnnniieess come?"), Food ("eat da cookie!" "Drrriiinnkk! Juice, please!") and telling everyone what to do. I thought the word no was reserved for Ruggie, Cooper, and Lucia but I have been proved wrong over the past few weeks. I hear "no, Mama, no, that's enough!" more than I'd like to admit. That's not to say Leah is bratty, though, just strong willed. :)
Leah is one of the most affectionate kids I've ever met. She loves to cuddle and will tell you to cuddle her throughout the day ("cuddle with Mama!"). Chris and I both love her spontaneous leg hugs, when she runs up to you and hugs your legs with all her might. Leah believes every good hug ends with a kiss. So even when you ask for just a hug, she'll end it with a big "Mwwwhhhhaaa!" and a sloppy wet kiss on your lips. She will watch TV independently, but she prefers to watch it with someone. She likes to sit as close as possible and lean her body completely into yours. Leah is still rocked to sleep. I don't know how I'll ever break it! It is so nice to have 20 minutes of reserved cuddling time each evening.
Leah loves our summer routine. Each day we sleep in to 8:30 or 9:00. After some cuddling time, we head downstairs where Leah can select a DVD. We now have over 20 Sesame Street DVD's (seriously...), so Leah likes to take her time selecting. She has learned to "read" the name of the DVD by the spine. One of her recent favorites is "Kids Favorite Songs 2". So as Leah is reaching for the DVD she'll be saying, "kids songs!!". After breakfast we get ready for the day. Sassy loves to brush her teeth and hair and help select her outfit for the day. Usually I give her 2 choices and she really takes her time looking at both selections before making a choice. She also takes great joy in selecting a barrette to wear (which is usually ripped out 10 minutes later). After we are ready, we usually run our errands for the day. Leah loves to go to the store (any store). She loves to help clean the cart, buckle herself in, and look at the fish (in Meijer). After lunch Leah takes her nap. After a summer of 2 naps one day, 1 nap the next, she has seemed to settle into a 1 nap per day routine. Lili usually naps for about 45 minutes in her crib and then another 45 minutes in my lap
(I currently have a snoring baby in my arms). After nap we usually play outside. Sassy loves to play with chalk, bubbles, her tricycle, her sand table, and her playhouse. Our neighbors often come over around this time and Leah has a lot of fun playing with them. After some outside fun, it's usually time for Daddy to come home. Leah loves her Daddy, but at this point of the day she is often suffering from Sesame Street withdraw, so she often greets him with "DD?" After dinner Leah loves to go for a walk around the neighborhood. First she selects some friends to accompany her (lately that has been the two Ernies), then gets her MoMo shoes (Elmo Crocs) on, then walks to the stroller and asks, "helpa da hook?" (help hook herself in the stroller). After our walk, she usually enjoys playing outside outside some more before heading in for the night. Leah usually doesn't go to sleep until 10ish, and that is after plenty of hugs, kisses, stories, and jumping on the bed!
drawing/coloring, jumping, anything Sesame Street, playing in the van, cheese, "pink" (strawberry yogurt Cheerios), fruit, Olga's, animals, balloons, running, helping Mama cook, cookies, Reeses Pieces, being twirled around and around by Daddy, the pool, the beach, books (especially the Elmo's World Books and No No, Yes Yes), being outside, going to the store, getting the mail, Brain, Annie, and Rugen, singing the Elmo's World Theme song, puzzles.
Things Leah hates:
having her hair washed, bubble bath, time outs (she has only had 2, but they made an impression!), being told not to jump on chairs, being told no in general, waking up early, Ruggie eating her food, staying somewhere too long after she has already told you "GO HOME!"
I could keep writing about my baby for many more paragraphs, but she was woke up from her nap, is drawing with highlighters on the floor of our very dirty study (soon to be big girl room), and is asking to eat. Happy (almost) Second Birthday, Sassy!
I could keep writing about my baby for many more paragraphs, but she was woke up from her nap, is drawing with highlighters on the floor of our very dirty study (soon to be big girl room), and is asking to eat. Happy (almost) Second Birthday, Sassy!
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