Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The last day of Fall!?

 This week we had a day where is was 65 degrees. We went outside at 10 with the intentions of playing outside for a bit before we needed to eat lunch and go to school/babysitters. The girls had other ideas--they really wanted to go play in the woods (which was kind of random because we've probably only played back there like 3-5 times, ever. I looked at the woods and thought, "that would be really good light for pictures. I ran back inside for my camera. I'm so glad that I did. The girls were dressed in matching outfits, because they love it and ask to match most mornings. That part wasn't even planned. Leah was rocking day 2 of her hair style and Juliet had her hair in a crazy bun because she was being particularly picky about her hair that morning saying she wanted it like a "ballet-er". Hair obviously wasn't planned either. We just went back and explored for over an hour. The girls stopped a few times to let me take their pictures, but otherwise they just explored. 
 It's the perfect time of year to be back there, because I'm reasonably sure there aren't skunks or snakes underfoot. Or Poison Ivy. We saw lots of little hollowed out tree sections that had obviously been nests or burrows for families of furred creatures, but all they were all empty.  Leah loved walking high up on the branches of fallen trees. 

 Juliet liked pretending to row a boat with a stick. 
 I love Juliet's serious face in this picture. And Leah. Juliet's protector. (Unless it's dark. Then Juliet will protect Leah). 

 This picture isn't exactly centered but I love Leah's eyes. She doesn't like to look at cameras. She smiles and is happy, but always looks away. We actually had to have her get school picture retakes because of this. But, it's the stage she's in. It won't last forever. I feel like it exactly captures her at this exact moment. I like how their smiles are real, and I don't feel like it was a big production. I think I will frame it for sure. 
Now it's like 30 degrees out, and the winter coats and hats and mittens are out. So, I'm really thankful  we took the time to play in the woods this week. It could be the last we see of it until Spring. BOO!

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