Sunday, November 2, 2014

The night our car was hit by a drunk driver

 These two pictures make me laugh. Notice the 2 different costumes on Leah. The above costume was a costume I got for 90% off a few years ago. We saved it for a while. Yesterday we were going to costume party, and Leah finally decided to wear it (She wore her Elsa dress for all the other festivities). She had it on and ran around in it for *maybe* 40 minutes. After I took the picture I noticed the entire sleeve was detached and there was already a (large) rip around the seam where meets under the flowers. It was totally trashed. We had to make an emergency costume change into the good witch from Oz. Leah was a little upset at first, but brushed it off. 
While we were at Andy's house, a drunk driver hit our car. We were not in it. Thank God. Chris was downstairs playing music while I was playing with the kids when Jackie came to tell us that someone had "clipped" our car. This is what we came out to see. The poor kid was pretty drunk. And remorseful. But, mostly drunk. The force from his car pushed our car over the curve and into the car behind us. There's some pretty extensive damage to the front. And, some damage to the back, too. One police officer told us it was totaled, the other told us maybe not. We will see. 
 It's a pretty good lesson in not to drink and drive or text and drive, as he admitted that he was looking for his phone that had dropped when he hit us. 
 All night long I kept waking up and thinking about what could have happened if we were in the car or if we were loading the girls into the car. 
 Our car was parked 3 inches from the curb when we went inside. 
Our poor van. 


Unknown said...

Oh my! I can just imagine everything you felt at the time of the accident. Well, at least you're all fine enough to talk about it as a memory now. Drivers should not only be careful and responsible, they should also put to mind that there are other people on the road. Thanks for sharing that! All the best to the whole family!

Roman Barnes @ J and J Law

Jerry Brady said...
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Jerry Brady said...

This is a terrible incident. It’s a good thing no one was in the car when that happened. There are a lot of cases concerning drunk drivers nowadays, something that a lot of us should be mindful about. Anyway, I hope things are going better for you guys now. Take care, and all the best!

Jerry Brady @ Lambert and Williams