Saturday, July 28, 2018

Pool Fun

 We've used our neighborhood pool more than ever this year. Instead of Goldfish, we hired a local lifeguard to come do private lessons with Juliet. She comes about twice a week. Juliet is doing great with this, and I am so glad we did this instead of Goldfish. She gets a lot more attention and instruction and has made great advancements! It's nice that Leah (and sometimes even me) can swim, too. Because we are in the habit of going to the pool more, the girls ask to go more during the week, too. Typically at least one of them sees and plays with a friend there, too, which is nice.  
 Typically Teddy sleeps in his car seat with the fan attached for the first 20(ish) minutes. Then he wakes up and I hold him while the girls swim more. Last week we brought their cousins, and we all had fun swimming. 
Now Leah doesn't wear goggles. She likes it better without them and just opens her eyes under water. I feel the same way unless I am in the ocean. 

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