Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Dance Recital!

This year Juliet did Ballet and Hip Hop. She loved both! Next year she either wants to do 3 classes or only 1 (depending on what day you ask her on). 

This year Leah did advanced Ballet, Tap, and Lyrical. She LOVES to dance, and got many compliments from friends and acquaintances in the audience. 

Dance remains the only activity that no one has ever complained about going to on occasion. Both girls love to dance and had a great year! 

Leah's teacher asked her to try out for the competition team several times, and then gave me the hard sell at the recital. We talked it over A LOT as a family, and as of this moment, decided to wait 1 more year. Leah isn't sure she's ready for the huge time commitment or to make all the personal sacrifices she would need to make (she would dance most Saturdays October-June along with 3 other days during the week). We continue to talk about it, though, because sometimes she still seems unsure. She loves the big production number they do every year, and really wants to be a part of that one day soon. As of now, she plans on continuing with the Christmas Program and trying out next year. 
Teddy came along to the recital, too, because I didn't think my boobs could go 6 hours without him. He was a perfect gentleman and had fun sleeping on Aunt Renee. Aunt Renee and I got yelled at by an old lady, but Teddy got no such reprimand. 

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