Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Juliet's Kindergarten Celebration

Look at this red boy! This was the morning of the show. He is so much less orange now. I love these jammies. I bought them in 3 sizes for my T. Bear. 
 Juliet was so excited to graduate for Kindergarten. She wasn't pleased that she had to wear her class shirt for the performance, but we layered it over a dress and I think it looked adorable.
 An advantage of being short is that you are always in the first row! All the kids were supposed to bring sunglasses. I forgot to send them in the AM, so I had to run down to her class before the performance and offer her my new pair. She already had an extra, but insisted that she wear mine. 
 A co-worker/friend saved us seats in the front row. Nice! Juliet was right in front of us!
 Juliet was so excited about her "drum solo". She had to try out and was so worried that she wouldn't get picked. She told us all about how she was going to practice (though she never did). She was very proud on stage! She's a natural, thanks to her Daddy.
 They sang about 6 songs and we watched a slide show of the year. Juliet BEGGED us to buy the slideshow, but we thought it was a waste of money for something we would probably watch once. So she used her own money to buy it. She was so proud of herself. After we watched it, I asked her if it was worth it, and she was adamant that it was.
 Then we went back to her classroom and she showed us her Memory Book. Cousin Hannah was there, too, as part of her internship, and Juliet thought that was the coolest thing ever. Poor Chris couldn't navigate the stroller into the room with all the people, so he had to wait in the hall.
 We are so, so proud of Miss Juliet. She had an awesome year! She learned a ton, had a great teacher, and made some very good friends. We hope next year is just as amazing as this year was for her!

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