Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Toys R Us

I was irrationally sad when I heard Toys R Us was closing. Even though I didn't go there a ton as a kid,  I have some very fond memories of when I did (and the Qua Vodis movie theater that was right next to it). I also remember circling things in the catalog and vividly remember the "I don't want to grow up" commercial and song. 
 The girls have been there a few times. One of Juliet's favorite memories is going there to pick out her "big girl" bike. We had to go again to say good-bye to one of the last remaining toy stores in our area (and definitely the biggest!). We told the girls they could pick out something. Both girls picked roller skates. Leah got a DVD and Juliet also got a password journal. Teddy got a few toys and I got some breast milk bags.  
 Watching them "skate" was pretty funny. Leah looked like a cartoon character--her legs just kept going in crazy directions and she would fall. Juliet was very confident in her skating ability, having been to a skating party a few months ago. Her skate looked more like a delicate walk. 
 The girls keep asking if we can go back one more time.

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