Sunday, June 24, 2018

Last Day of School

First coordinating outfits!

One of the FB groups I'm in was selling these tees. I saw the perfect opportunity for some "matchy matchy-ness"! 

 Both girls had a great year! Both girls really developed a core posse of friends. It was fun to hear them talk about their friends, make plans and play with them, and also helping them navigate through the early elementary drama. Both girls had amazing teachers and learned so much. Seeing their piles of work come home at the end of the year was bittersweet. 
 Since I've been on maternity leave, they've taken the bus almost every day to and from school. They both protested bitterly about this before I had Teddy. But, after I had him, they both seemed to enjoy the bus. It helps that we have the best bus driver on the planet! 
 Both kids had mixed feelings about summer. They couldn't decide if they were excited for summer, or sad that they would miss their teachers and friends each day. I'm glad they love school. 

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