Sunday, March 14, 2010

New Bed!

I love my new bed! There's lots of room for me squirm. I still sleep as close as humanly possible to Mommy, but Mommy doesn't have to sleep on the edge of the bed anymore. Daddy likes the bed, too!


I've been working hard to say, "mama". When I get upset, I cry for "mmmmaaaa". Even cynical daddy admitted that I'm coming pretty close.

I tried peas!

On Friday Mommy made me peas (with breastmilk, my favorite). On Saturday morning, I got to try my first veggie. After every bite, I made a yucky face. However, I opened my mouth for more. After a few bites, I decided I was done.
Classic pea face.

I was nice enough to give Ruggie my leftovers. He loved them!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Big Girl!

Daddy put my highchair together. Now I sit at the table like a big girl. My Mommy tells me she's going to give me some food next weekend. I'm not sure if I should believe her because she has told me that before. We'll see!

"Yes, that's my toe. So?"

A funny story

Mom went to a friend's baby shower Friday at an Italian restaurant. She took home her leftovers in the diaper bag. The next day, we went to Northville to get our taxes done. I needed a diaper change, so she took me to change my diaper. All of my diapers were saturated in olive oil and pesto! The leftovers had leaked. My butt smelled like pesto for the remainder of the afternoon.


Six Month Updates

Height-26 inches
Weight-16 lbs, 14 oz
Leah is developing well! She did a great job at the doctor. She had her usual crankiness in the days following the shots, but is doing well now.
Sass has another tooth coming through. Mom thinks she must have a entire mouth full of teeth emerging due to the fact Sass has forgotten how to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. We are a sleepy family!