Sunday, January 7, 2018

First Sleepover!

 Over break I spent some time cleaning out my closet. While I was doing that, I forbid the girls from coming into my room (I had birthday presents in there and didn't want them to see anything). So, they both set up an elaborate American Girl sleepover party in Leah's room. There was a nail station, a food station, a basketball game, an ice cream truck, a sail boat, and of course, like 10 American Girls and their beds. Leah and Juliet told me there were going to have a sleepover together in Leah's room with her dolls. I was doubtful because they had tried this before and it lasted for 3.2 seconds. Also, they both typically sleep on our floor on Friday and Saturday night and Leah now insists on sleeping on the opposite side of the bed from Juliet.
 However, they actually did it! Leah stayed up late reading aloud to Juliet from an American Girl book, and then they both actually went to sleep. They were both up early the next morning, but the plus side of that was that I got to take a nap with Juliet the next day (she's my best nap buddy). 
I took out my American Girl from when I was a kid, Kirsten, and both girls had a lot of fun playing with her. Today they had their elaborate party. Fun was had by all. 

Great Wolf Lodge

 We had originally planned on a big trip over break--but C's work schedule killed that plan. Instead, we went to Great Wolf Lodge with Robin's family. Sandusky, Ohio was the perfect getaway. The kids had a lot of fun playing in the water park, in the lobby watching the show and seeing it "snow", and in our rooms (so much that we got a noise complaint). 

 Leah really liked the big water slide and Juliet really liked the lazy river. I also liked the slides, but thought the river was always too cold. My girls played so hard both days that their feet looked like white raisins, and both girls cried that it "burned" and hurt to walk by the end of the day. Not sure what that was about--it's never happened on any vacation before. Both girls recovered after getting out of the water for the day.

 We told Chris and Tim to go down the slide in a double raft and act like models. It was pretty funny. 

 The last night it was just our family. The girls played in the water park for like 7 hours that day. After that, we went to the gift store and had dinner. By 7:00 we were all completely zoned out. I think we went to sleep at like 8:15. The next morning Juliet was mad that she missed the new show in the lobby. The rest of us weren't, though. 
 It was a fun trip!

Other Christmas Celebrations

 We had fun at Auntie Madeleine's house for my family's Christmas celebration. The way there was ROUGH. The snow was blowing all over the roads and it took way longer than we anticipated. We packed plenty of movies, though, so everyone was relatively happy. The way home was much faster. Everyone had fun there. 
 Leah and Juliet had a lot of fun playing with their cousins over the week they were here. 

Christmas Morning

 I made these two take the annual stair picture before they could check out their presents. The older they get, the more they hate this tradition. However, in their old age, the process is much quicker!

Leah was up around 7:30 and apparently Juliet was up even earlier, but just laid in her bed. They were both SO EXCITED for Christmas this year!
 They both got a bunch of American Girl clothes and accessories that they were pretty happy with. 

 Juliet has been admiring this Barbie that you can do her hair and nails for a while now. They never got into regular Barbies, but Juliet really liked the idea of this one. However, it's been played with ONCE since Christmas, so I guess it was just something she liked the idea of. 
 Leah also got quite a few Lego sets. 
 Their big present was tickets to see Taylor Swift in August. Leah was excited, but I don't think Juliet really understands what a concert is. Leah was also very disappointed to realize that even though we were seeing her "in person", that we wouldn't be able to actually meet her and get her autograph. 
 Leah got some new "flippy" swag and make-up in her stocking. She was so proud to get herself ready and put on make-up Christmas morning. She looks so big here! The make-up is only for days when we are home all day-- not on school days or to wear in public.  
 Here are the girls with some of their favorite Christmas items. Leah loves her rock tumbler and Juliet was obsessed with her new gown and her riding unicorn. I really liked my new Louis Vittion purse, and Chris said he was pretty happy with his new slippers and coffee maker.