Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Photo Bomb

 Sassy before the Trick or Treat Parade at The Summit. She was so excited to go, even though she really had no idea what "trick or treating" meant. 

 Juliet wore Leah's first costume ever. It was a little more snug on Jelly Boo than it was on Leah. Most likely because J. Boo was 3 and 1/2 months older when she wore it. 

 Seriously...I could eat these girls up.

 Leah was so excited to get out of the door that she was literally shaking with excitement. It's so weird that she now "gets" all the holidays. I was telling her about last year, and she DID NOT believe that she dressed up like a Ladybug and came to my school. She kept insisting, "No, Mommy, I am Tangled, and I am going trick or treating 2 days in a row! I don't want to be a ladybug!" 
 Here is my baby getting her first "treat"! 
 Jelly Boo did a good job, too. She took it all in, then got in the car and took a nap. It is exhausting to be 5 months. 

 We saw Lukey and Anna! They looked great in their costumes! 
 Today Leah dressed up like a farmer for school. All the preschools have "Farm Day". Yesterday Leah was in tears saying she didn't want to dress up like a farmer, only like Rapunzel. Then she was in tears about not wanting to wear a shirt under her dress. Then she was in tears because....I forget. There are a lot of tears at our house now about what we wear. Sassy would like it best if she could only wear Tangled clothes, twirly dresses, and strappy warm weather wear. I've stopped giving her options, stopped negotiating, and now just silently dress her each morning when she tantrums.  It seems like she snaps out of it faster with this approach.  This morning she was in tears because she didn't want her hair in braided pig tails. I won. We got to school and Miss Lynn says, "Leah, I love your hair!" to which Sassy replies, "Oh, these, I love them, too! My Mommy did them for me. I love my Moooommmmmyyyy!" 

Halloween Fun

 Sassy saw an assortment of cupcakes in the Detroit Free Press. She wavered between several different kinds to try, before landing on the "ghosts with the paintbrush". She was so excited to make them! 
 And to eat them! 
 We brought our pumpkins in the house to carve. Sassy drew a face on this pumpkin, then colored most of it blue. Daddy took it back outside. Leah had the nanny bring it in the next day so she could add more blue. She refused any other marker color, paint, and glitter glue. 
 Daddy and I tried to carve some pumpkins like those in "Dr. Pompo's Nose". Daddy was more successful than I. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sweetest Day

 For Sweetest Day we went and got Mexican food as a family. Juliet got a new Rapunzel toy, Leah got her Lady, and Mommy and Daddy got a 3 hour nap from Sassy. 
 Happy Sweetest Day! 

Nothing Cuter

 There is nothing cuter that two clean girls wearing matching outfits. I just can't get enough of it. 

ABC's with me


Where is your monthly post? I don't have a ton of cute pictures of you because you were sick, then you were grumpy, then I was grumpy, and now it's 15 days later.

You are still the cutest thing in the world. You are really into learning and have mastered most letter sounds. I have made it trickier by asking you a word, and asking you to give me the first letter sound. This is much trickier! We are working on early reading strategies; specifically concepts of print. Here we are doing 1-1 correspondence with the ABC's. I love that you got tricked with LMNO. I'm glad that I got it on video, because you don't do it anymore.

You are still into all things Rapunzel, though you insist that the movie is now too scary for you. You really like Disney movies, and although you still watch Sesame Street, the love is just not as intense. You are really looking forward to going to Disney World and talk about it often. You will tell anyone that listens that you are going to go to the castle when you are 5 and Juliet is 2. For Sweetest Day Daddy and I gave you your own little "Lady" from Lady and the Tramp. It is one of your newest favorites. You kept saying, "Thank you so much for my Lady!"

You are very interested in Santa. We are trying to explain how you need to be good to get toys. You have been trying to talk through the Santa process. We can sometimes get you to stop whining or complaining when we tell you that Santa is watching. But then you think that he is downstairs getting your presents ready.

You are still not the best sleeper, and Daddy is feeling pretty frustrated that I tried to up your bedtime to 9:00. You are still up at least once every night, and there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it. You let Daddy put you to sleep every night now, but you still call for Momma in the middle of the night. Probably because you know that Mommy will tell you to come to the white bed.

You love your Sissy. You like to look at her teeth. You have got to the point where you two actually play together. You like to pick her up. Even though it looks super uncomfortable and awkward, Juliet always has a big smile on her face when you pick her up. You like to get her toys. You like to "share" the baby toys, but insist that your toys are all yours. You cry because you think Juliet is going to eat all your toys.

You love to read. You "read" Wheels on the Bus or Babies on the Bus at almost every nap time/bedtime. Lately you are really into Pinkilicious (again), Dr. Pompo's Nose (again), Marley Books, and Clifford Books.

You love school and still really love to get out of the house and go on adventures. You like to tell us about school. You tell us you play with another girl named Juliette as well as other kids, who are still named "Kid". You like it when Mommy packs you a lunch (sunflower butter sandwich, fruit, and cheese) better than the prepared lunch.

You love chicken and fries, cheese, fruit, and candy. You love picking out a "treat" from stores. Your favorites are: M and Ms (mint or coconut flavor--yuck), Peeps, or Twizzlers. You seem to like water best of all right now, with chocolate milk as a close second favorite. You won't drink regular milk at home, but tell me that you drink it at school.

Daddy ans I think you are growing up too fast. We told you so, and you said, "I have to grow up and get married!" We almost died.

Your Grandma and Grandpa came this month and you had fun playing with them for a few days. I asked you what their names were and you said, "Grandma and Grandpa L______". I had no idea that you knew their last names! It always amazes me what you remember and ask about. You are so smart, kind, beautiful, and funny.

We love you so much, Sassy Mae!

Daddy Doo

Daddy Doo and his two girlies before going to the last play-off game with Uncle Andy. We went on a "girls walk" which had quite the impression on Leah. She now asks to go on "just girl walks" because "daddy gets home too late". She also got to have a sleep over in the white bed. 

Can't Catch a Break

Woe is us. We just can't catch a break this fall with all the germies.
Leah Loo was up throwing up last week. Daddy slept with her for a few nights, and Mommy stayed home from work. Leah had an upset belly, fever, and general fussiness. Juliet was well--though I feel like she always has a stuffed up nose and boogies. I am losing my voice for the second time this fall. We have never been this sick before! 

 Jelly Boo loves Sophie just as much as Sassy did. Sassy said she would be "all better" if I let her wear her Rapunzel dress during her sick day. Of course I obliged. 
 Jelly Boo spent the day in her track suit practicing her sitting. She is pretty good, but tires of it quickly. 


Sassy gets so excited when we see rainbows. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Happy Girl

The Happiest Baby Ever (with a little bit of whine at the end, compliments of Sassy!)

Teeth and Cold Weather Wear

Happy 5 Months, Jelly Belly Boo!


Sorry your 5 month pictures are not so good. The best light in your bedroom is now when Mommy is at work, so I had to use the flash when I took your pictures. You kept closing your eyes. Oh well. 
 This was a big month for you! You cut 2 teeth (bottom 2), you started reaching like crazy (usually for Mommy), you STOPPED sleeping though the night (you are now up AT LEAST twice a night), you started laughing all the time, we learned you were ticklish, you started really playing with toys (gummy teethers and soft toys are your favorite) and you decided that your sissy was the COOLEST person in the world. This month you also learned how to sit up. You did it 2 days in a row, for around 30 second each time. Then you stopped doing it, and won't do it anymore! You also still drool like crazy. You have several personalized minky bibs from Etsy. You need a bib everyday! 
 You got sick AGAIN. When you are sick you insist on sleeping on Mommy's chest at night. There was a week this month that you were on my chest every single night for a week. You seem prone to runny noses and congestion. We are very careful with you. You really like the automatic nose aspirator. You laugh every time we put it in your nose. Your sissy, on the other hand, runs away and yells, "Don't put that in my nose! I don't want it!" 
 You are very much a Mommy's girl. Daddy always asks why you are rubbernecking to see Mommy. That's not to say you don't love the rest of the family, though. Daddy can always make you laugh by making you fly. You love when Sissy gives you big bear hugs and jumps for you. You laugh and laugh. You are starting to show interest in Brain. You reach for his fur. When you get it, you pull hard. 
 You still don't like to be put down when you sleep or to play independently for more than about 10 minutes. You are happiest when you are being held. You still don't like your car seat and contort your body when we try to put you in. 
You love to pull hair. You reach for Leah's anytime she is close. You pull my hair all the time. You still suck your index and middle finger as you are falling asleep, but you usually let them fall out as soon as you are asleep. 

You still nurse exclusively. You are beginning to show interest in food, but we are going to hold off for as long as possible. We are nervous about your your tender tummy would react with food. 

This month you moved into size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothing. Most 0-3 month shirts and pants still fit, but I was getting sick of them. I think you are going to be short girlie, too. At your 4 month visit you were only in the 20% for height, 40% for weight. You have excellent legs and arms with lots of cute rolls. 

We love you so much, Jelly Boo!