Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Teddy Bear is ONE MONTH!

Teddy says, "that is shocking!"
I cannot believe our little T. Bear is one month old. I think I've been on such a high that it is only in the past few days that I've started feeling tired and run down (like normal women feel in the first month with a new baby). T. Bear is the best baby ever. He rarely cries or gets cranky. When he wakes up in the middle of the night, he just grunts. He really only cries when he is naked or getting his diaper changed (especially if you use a cold wipe--the boy is spoiled and obviously prefers a warmed wipe!). 
 Teddy loves to be held. He is getting better at allowing himself to be put down, but let's be honest--I don't want to put him down. I'm all too aware of how fast this time goes, and "just hatched" infancy is my favorite baby stage. Of course I love them all, but there is something very magical about waiting and planning for a little baby, and then, all of a sudden, they are here, and everything completely changes and you feel SO overcome with love for your baby. I love getting to know my babies and snuggling them as much as possible. The weirdest thing I love to do is smell their little breath. It only has that "special smell" for the first few months. I adore the smell of Mustela and rubbing little baby heads as they sleep. Even with my history, I am still trying to talk Chris into *one* more. Teddy would like a sibling one day, I'm sure. Unfortunately, I think my chances are pretty darn low. 
Teddy woke up on his one month birthday (at 4 am) smiling. He'd been practicing for a while, but I wasn't ready to call them intentional. When I laid him down and started talking to him to take his picture, he lit right up. So, I'm calling his one month birthday as his first intentional smile. He's kept it up, too. So far, he's not quite as smiley as Juliet was, but she didn't really start smiling until around 5 weeks, so there is time for him to close the gap. Leah was Miss Serious and didn't really start smiling until closer to 6-7 weeks. He's also cooed a few times. It's the cutest sound in the entire world. I can't wait for him to do it more! 
Teddy is a big boy! He outgrew almost all of his newborn clothing by 4 weeks. According the pediatrician, he is in the 95% for height at the 75% for weight. Both girls started off around the 40% percentile (except their heads--we make big headed babies!). Teddy loves to be warm and needs a blanket at all times or his little gums chatter. He also has a "chattering" leg. I've read that many babies have it and it's due to an immature/developing central nervous system. 
 Teddy and I start off most days by taking a walk around the neighborhood. Around 11, we settle in for a nap. I try to get a few things done here and there around the house, but I'd much prefer to cuddle with my boy. We don't leave the house much. Most days I think about running some errands, but then just end up Amazon Priming the things to the house. Teddy does pretty well in the car seat, though, which I am keeping my fingers crossed continues. I think I  still have Post Traumatic Stress from driving around with Juliet when she was an infant. We end most afternoons by watching 90210. Teddy occasionally gets cranky in the evenings, which makes making dinner hard, especially when Chris has the girls at an activity. They come home hungry, so I like to have dinner ready for them. When I am the only one home, though, it's hard because Teddy wants to be held and I'm scared to have him around a hot stove. We've made it work, but I dread those days. 
We love this boy so much. We waited a long time for him, but it was so worth it. We were out at our favorite Mexican restaurant (the same one we went to the day before he was born) and Leah found an eyelash on my face. She LOVES to find eyelashes and to make a wish or watch others make a wish. I've had the same wish for years--a healthy baby. She gave it to me to blow on and I had no idea what to wish for. It was the sweetest feeling. We got our healthy baby. And, as a great bonus, he is handsome and smart and so ding dong adorable!

We love you Teddy Bear! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Happy Birthday, Jelly Boo!

Jelly Boo,

How is it that you are 6?! I'm pretty good with the birthdays 1-5. But when you start having to use 2 hands to show how old you are, I get a little choked up. You think it's funny that I feel a bit sad!
Like Leah did in Chicago, you wanted to open up all your presents in your pajamas in our bed on your birthday. Wish granted! You got some great presents! From us, you got an iPod and speaker, nightlight, and few other small things. From Leah, you got an emoji pillow, a personalized hairbrush  (both of which Leah has and you frequently admire) and a face mask and squishy chap-stick key chain. This was the first year that Leah used some of her own money for your gift. She protested initially, but had a lot of fun at the store seeing what she could buy using her own money. Teddy got you a pair of grown up looking sunglasses.
The thing everyone comments on about you is how joyful you are. Most of the time, you are a smiley happy little thing. You love to say or do zany things to make other people smile or laugh. You have funny catch phrases or expressions. Daddy and I love "soon enough.....". You repeat things that Daddy and I have said almost verbatim months later. You have a great vocabulary and it's funny to hear you use higher level words while at the same time having the voice and the occasional speech miscue of a little girl.
Speaking of Speech, you were discontinued. Mrs. "Speech-han" spent the better part of this year trying to prepare me for the fact that you weren't going to qualify for much longer. Initially, I wanted you out of speech as soon as possible, but as time went on, I really appreciated all the one-on-one time you were getting with your teacher and how crazy fast you grew. Daddy and I saw big improvements over the time you spent in speech. Now, everyone agrees that you no longer need speech. Go Boo!
You and Leah really liked the idea of these face masks. Many times, at Meijer, you would ask if we could buy them. Leah got you one for your birthday, and you were scared of it! You refused to put it on. Daddy got a nice facial instead.
You get so many compliments about what a good girl you are. All your teachers love you and would often stop me in the hall to tell me a funny story about you. You keep everyone entertained for sure. You are not a rule breaker, though. You get upset when other kids break the rules. At your birthday party, another little girl was talking "potty talk". You didn't like that at all. There are a few kids in your class that can be a bit naughty. You can't believe their behavior.
While you would never, ever have a melt down around others, you don't mind having them at home. Daddy and I have always joked that you feel things very deeply. You can be particular, and get upset when things don't meet your expectations. Then you bemoan, " this is the worst day ever!" A few weeks ago you came home from a party after 10 pm with Daddy. You walked into our room and cried,"I hit the wall!!" Lately you get extremely upset when you have no clean capri leggings. That 2 inch inseam difference means everything to you. Those instances are, of course, balanced with frequent hugs and kisses and proclamations of, "This is the best day ever!" or "Best Mama or Dada ever!"
We had your birthday party at Creatopia where you painted pottery. You took the party planning very seriously. We had to go over and over the guest list because you wanted to invite so many kids. At $20 a kid, we had to set a limit! You painted a turtle nightlight. We can't wait to see how it turns out!
You are still a bit of a homebody. You don't like to run errands. Ever. Even with promises of "sweetening the deal". You do enjoy play dates and are always trying to arrange them with your friends.You love to be outside. You love to wear flip flops. On a recent project at school, you had to list everything you love. After family, you listed "sunny days", followed by the pool. Now that the weather is warmer, you and Leah love to play outside. You swing, make "potions", and listen to music and dance.
You still love mac and cheese, cereal, chocolate milk, water,  peanut butter and jelly sandwiches/bagels, chips and dip, most fruit, and many vegetables. Your palate can be finicky, though. For the longest time you loved "cuties" or mandarin oranges. Then, all of a sudden you had one that was "too hairy". Now you won't touch them. Something similar happened with tacos and the chips and cheese lunchable. However, you are much more willing to try new foods than your sister is.
You do gymnastics, dance, Girl Scouts, and soccer. You surprised us all by loving soccer! You report that you love to run and enjoy being "sporty". When you hear music, you just have to dance. You also love to sing, and frequently make up your own songs. You are always drawing and forever asking for more paper. Daddy and I cherish the J+M (Juliet + Mommy) and J + D (Juliet + Daddy) papers you give us. When you came into my office each morning, you would always draw me a picture and say "Here is your picture for the day!"
You are so kind hearted. You pretty much always let Leah get her way.  You save candy to share with your sister and when given a choice, will pick a candy that you can share with her (she can't have gummy candy due to her expander). If there was a reward for positive sister unprompted kind actions, you would win 9 times out of 10. That's not to say that Leah doesn't love you, because she very obviously does. Though neither of you would likely admit it, you guys are the bestest of friends. You also love Teddy. You love to hug and kiss him. You love to read him books. Sometimes you can be a bit rambunctious, but it's just because you love him so much. You waited so long for your own little sibling. It makes me so happy that you got one.
You have your own style, but still get excited when I show you a dress that I love.  I was so happy that you liked your birthday dress as much as I did. On your birthday, you were thrilled to pick out Leah and Teddy's outfits.
You love to watch movies and frequently ask if it is movie night. Lately, you love watching The Greatest Showman and Austin Powers. It was hilarious afterward to hear you go around saying things like, "Talk to the hand, girlfriend!" You love to watch Glee, Just Add Magic, The Simpsons, and the occasional Barbie Dreamhouse (gag). You learned to use the remote to operate our Smart TV and you are pleased as punch that you can turn on your own show from one of the apps now.
We love you so incredibly much, and can't begin to imagine life without Boo. We hope you have the best year yet!

Phone Pictures of Teddy

 I take a lot less "real camera" pictures with Teddy. My phone is just usually way more handy and definitely easier to use quickly. I love Teddy's "Blue Steel" face above. 
 And his silly face. 
 His smiles have been getting good. On the morning of his 1 month birthday, he woke up smiling (at 4:30 am). He kept it up all day, even smiling for the camera. 
 Tilly has been getting friendlier with Teddy. I loved when they both took a nap on me. 
 Smiley boy. 
 Sleepy boy. 
 Yawning boy. 

Friday, May 18, 2018

Geer School

Chris chaperoned Leah's trip to Geer School which is an old one room school house in our district. Fun fact: Leah's aunts actually went there for a few years when the district was over crowded. They opened back up the school and divided it into 2 rooms--a K-2 room and a 3-5 room. 

Over his semi-paternity leave, Chris grew quite the beard. He decided to get into character and look historical as possible for Leah. He had quite the look. Every time I looked at him (his facial hair especially), I just started laughing. I think it should be his regular look. 
Leah had a lot of fun picking out his clothes and was very particular, making him change a few times and put on some different outfits. Juliet was a little jealous that it's not her year to go to Geer School. Because Leah was in a split class last year, she has got to go twice. Good thing--it's by far her favorite field trip. She loves all the activities there and the fun stuff you get to take home, like a quill and marbles. 

They didn't smile for pictures because that is how it was in the days of yore. 
Leah's class
 Leah's teacher pulled her aside and asked if she could "get in trouble" for talking to show the class what you would have to do in "olden times" (as Leah refers to it). Leah is such a rule follower and would never actually get in trouble at school. She said yes, but once she was home said, "I didn't like doing that--it was okay because I knew it wasn't real, but I didn't like it."
 Quite the bonnet, Leah!

Last year I'm conviced she got head lice from this trip. They all put on a "Dunce" cap and take pictures in it. 3 weeks later--LICE! This year she kept her bonnet on the entire time and didn't even take it off for the dunce pictures. 
 After the trip, Chris went to see whether he could find Juliet on the playground. Remember, he had quite the look. At the fence he looked for Boo. He was immediately approached by one of the recess teachers thinking he was a creeper. Ha! Luckily he found Juliet and his story of being a dad wanting to say good-bye to his other daughter was confirmed. 

Monday, May 14, 2018

Daddy's Birthday

For Chris' birthday, we did what he loves best: getting professional pictures done. Haha. I waited until the last minute to schedule a newborn session, and the only date and time she had left was at noon on C's birthday. We took it! I didn't make Chris be in any pictures, though. I still feel large and sweaty most of the time, and I don't need that recorded. I'd much rather have more cute pictures of my precious baby boy!
We let the girls play hooky and we still had a hard time getting out the door by 11:30. The girls took pictures with Teddy and then walked around Downtown Northville and had lunch out with Chris. 

I love when Teddy makes his "angry elf" face. Classic. 
That same day Teddy's one and likely only piece of Matilda Jane was delivered (the blanket) so I took some pictures. We have a ton of Matilda Jane blankets, and we all always fight over the big pink one, so the girls were pretty jealous that Teddy got HIS OWN blanket. Both kids asked for their own for their birthdays. Teddy is a blanket man. This little tyke needs to be swaddled up at all times all nice and snug. Most people that hold him comment on how warm he is. He needs to be or he gets cranky. During the day we just wrap him in a blanket. At night, I swaddle him. By 4 (ish) am, he is usually done with the swaddle and actively tries to get out, so I unswaddle him. 
We made Daddy his favorite (strawberry) pie the night before. We sent him upstairs with a beer telling him that we needed to clean the house for his birthday so that we could make the pie. He was suspicious because the housekeeper had been there earlier in the day, and the house was as clean as it gets. The girls convinced him that I was just a miserable task master, working them to the bone. 
 Leah got to go to Panera Bread with her Girl Scout troop and learn to make bread and cookies , but was home in time for pie. 

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Week 1 with T. Bear

 I waited a long time for this sweet boy, and he is proving that he was worth the wait. Teddy Bear is the sweetest baby to ever live. Even the girls agree, without even questioning if he's sweeter than they were (of course not--3 way tie!). 

Like our other babies, Teddy is a bit orange. At the newborn session the photographer kept asking if he had jaundice. She didn't believe me at all when I kept replying, "no". We just make orange babies. 
We went to Teddy's 3 day appointment after his birth and found out that his weight had dipped to 7 pounds even. Because he had lost 10% of his birth weight, he had to be monitored more carefully. My milk took a day or two longer than I remember from Leah and Juliet to come in. The pediatrician said if it didn't come in by that day, we would have to do formula. Uh---no. Luckily, it came in that day and Teddy gained 5 ounces in a day (2 of those MAY have been the copious amount of Vaseline I put on his ding dong before the appointment--haha). She also wanted a blood test for jaundice--but I convinced her to put it off because the same thing happened with Juliet and she screamed bloody murder--and her numbers weren't high at all (because we just make orange kids!). Because Teddy had already been poked so many times in the hospital (they monitored his blood sugar via heel pricks every 3 hours for 24 hours) because he was so big for his gestational age, I did not want my poor boy poked anymore. It all worked out--after 3 appointments in 1 week, it was determined that Teddy is a healthy, thriving boy--no jaundice, no failure to thrive, nothing. 
Teddy makes the best facial expressions. He smiles and laughs in his sleep often. I swear that some smiles have seemed pretty close to purposeful. He does great eye rolls with excellent comedic timing. He opens his eyes often to check that someone is holding him or close by. He often tries to keep his eyes open, but they just roll back into his head as he goes back to sleep. 
Teddy's umbilical cord stump fell off ridiculously early (like on day 3), which meant that he could get a bath. The smell of Mustela is like crack to me. It brings back so many memories of the girls as babies. I love the smell and will sit and hold Teddy and just smell his head for hours after his bath.  
 Watching Teddy get a bath was pretty funny. Everyone wanted to be part of the action. I was pretty much in the standing room section. Even Ollie had a better seat than me. Teddy isn't the biggest fan of baths. I try to make Chris do it because I don't want Teddy to hold it against me. 
 Everyone wanted to help give Teddy his first bath. Poor T. Bear HATES being naked. Just hates it. He cries and cries like a mad little Billy Goat. Once you even start to dress him, he calms down. Chris jokes that all he really needs is a scarf, and he's fine. Luckily, Teddy has some adorable outfits to model. 
 I spent way too much money on a Dock-a-Tot because I read that all babies love it and sleep like 8 hours straight on the first night home from the hospital using it. Chris has always been a bit leary about co-sleeping with tiny infants, so I thought it would help that, too. Teddy does well for the first few hours of the night, then wakes up EVERY SINGLE time I try to transition him back after breast feeding him and changing his diaper. I have mixed feelings on it. We will keep trying. Currently, he sleeps in it until around 2 am, then just sleeps right next to me. 

Currently, Teddy wakes up every 2 hours-ish. He usually doesn't cry--just grunts. I love holding him and talking to him in the middle of the night. He's always so bright eyed. Usually, he does a good job of going back to sleep pretty fast. 

What helps me sleep most of all is the Owlet that goes around his foot. It monitors his heartbeat and oxygen level. I sleep so much easier knowing that an alarm will go off if there's a problem. One of the first nights back, the alarm went off while we were all in the master bedroom watching TV. Leah absolutely freaked out and ran out crying, "NO, NO, NO!". Poor girl was convinced Teddy had died. We talked a lot about false alarms, and reasons they can happen. Luckily, it hasn't happened again. I don't know if Leah's heart could handle it. 
 We got a letter board. Leah and Juliet had fun making it for Teddy, then for Daddy on his birthday. 
 Chris took the girls to Andy's for Half-o-ween. Teddy and I cuddled and watched Arrival. 
 Teddy Bear is a sneezy boy. He has the cutest duck sneezes.

 Love this handsome boy!