Monday, April 16, 2018

Baby Boy!

We were super busy over break. I am in full on nesting mode. After YEARS of bitterly complaining about the CARPET in the majority of our master bathroom and the linoleum in the spare upstairs bathroom, I finally just started calling people and getting quotes. Chris was less than convinced that we "needed" new tile, but I was insistent. I won. As a bonus, when we were at Lowes picking everything out, I scored a new refrigerator. The ice dispenser on our old one stopped working when the power went out for a few days last year. I can't begin to explain how hard it was to be pregnant and not have crushed ice at my fingertips. Now I do and I praise God every time I fill up my glass of water. 

When they came to install the tile, we ended up discovering that we had a little bit of a slow leak around the toilets that needed some attention before the tile could be installed. Unfortunately that meant NO UPSTAIRS toilets for over a week. It was awful. 

We also had our painter out to paint the nursery, upstairs bath, and touch up a few areas downstairs. He was here for 2 days. The last day of break I felt really sick. I felt bad for the girls, as we spent most of the vacation working around the contractors/workers that were in and out all week and because of that, were unable to really leave the house too much. Chris tried to make it up to the girls by taking them to Justice and letting them pick out a few things, but apparently, even though they rave about how Justice is their favorite store, they BOTH had a hard time picking anything out. I think deep down they know it's just a racket. 

Leah and Juliet (with Chris's guidance and support) painted pictures for the baby's nursery. We've said that his bedroom theme is "nature"/the great outdoors, but really, it's just things that I like. I picked out art for him that reflects "his story" instead of random woodland animals like I did for Leah and Juliet. He has a map of Maui because that is his "homeland" as we like to say, a watercolor of the "Corn Cob" buildings in Chicago because we were there so much this summer (and they are my favorite), a painting of Blackbirds because Juliet has been singing that song to him since he was only a 6 week embryo, a hanging of the moon phases in stained glass because I love specialty glass and when we saw the eclipse Juliet spent hours there playing with a 10 month old baby--the baby's parents kept raving about what a good big sister Juliet would make and I spent the entire conversation trying not to cry, and a map of the world because Chris loves maps and we all love to travel. 
Miss Leah Bean is unsure about having a Baby Brother. With Juliet, she didn't really "get it" leading up to her birth. Once Juliet was born, she spent the first 6 weeks actively avoiding her except for rare occasions when she thought she was making us happy by holding her/playing with her. She then spent the next few months treating her with cool indifference. By the time Juliet was about 6-9 months old, they were well on their way to being best friends. Now, Leah does "get it". She worries about how the baby is going to change her life. She is sad because I won't be at her school during my maternity leave. She's annoyed she is going to have to take the bus more. Most nights I go in and cuddle with her, and she mists up because she knows everything is going to drastically change in the next few weeks, and isn't sure how exactly her life is going to look. She asks a lot of questions and wants to work though various scenarios. She reminds me SO MUCH of myself when I was a kid. Change is hard. I reassure her that we would never let her feel so very unhappy without trying to find ways to make her feel better.  I remind her that her new brother is going to be part of the family, and that he will only be a baby for a little while. Soon enough (Juliet's favorite saying), he will be able to play with her and will make her laugh. When he gets older, he will be one of her best friends/"people" just like Juliet. She's still unsure. TV doesn't help. Why do so many characters have annoying little brothers? SO MANY teachers at our school have told me that when they ask Leah if she's excited for her new brother she replies with something along the lines of, "He's going to be a part of our family. My mom says it will be okay." 

Miss Jelly Boo, on the other hand, is ecstatic to have a new Baby Brother. She's been waiting for this for years. Yesterday we were putting his room back together after the carpet cleaners had been out. She looked at me and said, "Sometimes, I just walk in here and sit and imagine what he will be like." Any time I go into the nursery, Juliet is right behind me. She wants to help me sort diapers, arrange art, practice reading the board books, and just do ANYTHING she can to "help". She lobbied hard to be the first kid to hold him (wish granted) and is insistent that he sleep in her room as often as possible. When we found out he was a boy, Leah was a little disappointed. Juliet loudly announced, "I don't care! I don't care! As long as he comes, I don't care!" Since Juliet was 11 months old, toddling off upstairs in the dark to find her "baby", we've known that she would make an excellent big sister. Her day is SO CLOSE to arriving and she couldn't be more excited. I can only hope it lives up to her expectations. 

Juliet and Tilly

Tilly was adopted partly under the guise of being "Juliet's pet" (like Ollie is "Leah's pet"), but often Tilly just frustrates or scares Juliet. He's always jumping up and trying to "share" her food or play with her feet as she goes up and down the stairs or sits at the table. A few times now Juliet has asked if she could exchange Tilly for a little white dog instead.  Don't worry, Leah and I give Tilly a lot of love and attention (as do Brain and Ollie)

Lately, though, Tilly has been sleeping in Juliet's baby carriage and allowing Juliet to push him all around the house. It's really built their connection. Now Juliet even picks up Tilly--we joke she picks him up like someone would pick up a pile of poop if forced to--really fast and tosses it aside as quickly as possible.

Chris likes to tell me that Tilly upset the animal balance in our house. Unfortunately, he is right, though I still believe in Tilly's potential for excellence in adulthood. Tilly started waking up the other animals between 4-5 am and then they were all begging for food before Chris was ready to get out of bed for a few months there. It was getting really annoying. I bought some crazy animal pheromone spray from Amazon that we spray at them when they start being annoying at that time and in 3 days, we've noticed a huge difference. Fingers crossed it continues.

Easter 2018

 The girls were very excited for the Easter Bunny to come to town. They were up earlier than normal because they were so excited. As usual, they love me for insisting that they brush their teeth and hair before going downstairs. Even more, they love taking pictures on the stairs while they see candy filled eggs all around. Haha. 
 This year they decided to not have the Easter Bunny put their eggs in separate rooms. Instead, the bunny hid some a little harder for Leah, and some a little easier for Juliet. They both ended up with about the same amount of candy, so it all worked out. They always worry that one girl will end up with more, but we always combine the candy after a few days, so I never understand why it is such a concern. 

 The Bunny hid some of the eggs they painted outside. Also some candy eggs. He must have come pretty early in the morning, because the chocolate was near frozen. 

Chris did his usual egg dying with the kids. I love that he always takes the lead on this. Leah picked a kit with foam eggs. They all turned out sort of brownish/pinkish. Juliet picked out "cosmic" eggs which turned out better. Every year we try different types of kits, and I feel like they are 50/50 on whether they turn out looking good or not. 
 Tilly saw all the fun the girls were having outside and frantically tried to paw his way through the window. It was super cute. 
 It took the girls a while to find their baskets. Juliet found hers first and patiently waited for Leah to find hers before unpacking it. 
The big hits from Juliet's basket included a fairy door decorating kit, some LOL dolls, skittles, and a new game for her Leap Pad. 
 Leah was getting pretty nervous as the minutes ticked by and she still hadn't found her basket. When she did, she was super excited. Chris and I were telling her the tricky places our baskets were hidden when we were kids and how she should expect it to get harder every year. She's concerned whether or not the Easter Bunny is going to hide it in the basement next year. She doesn't feel quite ready for that. 

 Big hits from Leah's basket included the movie "Wonder", 2 new Squishies, new slipper socks, and an origami kit. Because of Leah's expanders, she couldn't get any gummy candy or chewy candy. She was pretty bummed by this.  She very thoughtfully wrote the Easter Bunny a note explaining what she could and could not have. 

 This year Easter was also on April Fools Day. The bunny filled up a giant egg with various condiments. Juliet was shocked. 
 After playing with their new stuff for a while, we set off for Aunt Renee's. We had a great dinner there, and the girls got even more candy and had a ton of fun playing with their cousins and their significant others!  Daddy had fun having a 9 month pregnant wife as the Designated Driver. It was a success!
 Leah picked out this new shirt at J. Crew the day before. It was the first time she didn't want to wear a dress to a celebration type activity. Bittersweet feelings from me. They both looked gorgeous and ready for spring!