Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Celebration with the Z's

 Look who is crawling! It's Jelly Boo! I love the above picture of her falling backward. She was being silly. 

 I told Leah to hold Lukey's hand and to sit closer to him. Clearly they were both interested in this. 

 Future Best Friends! Anna is almost walking! Juliet was envious. 
 Happy Girl! 

Relaxing Day

Christmas on the 28th

 We had fun at Auntie Nicole's for our Christmas celebration. Auntie Nicole made a fine dinner and Leah loved playing as well as receiving more presents! 

Little Miss Tangled

 Now that we are a few days removed from Christmas, I think it is safe to say that the presents Sassy loves best are her Pete the Cat doll and books and her new dress up clothes (Thanks, G-ma and G-pa L!). She asks to dress like Tangled She really loves everything she received  though! I don't think there was a lame present in the bunch. She even liked the socks that Santa brought her. 
 She also loves her new Tangled doll. I was laughing today as she struggled to carry her up the stairs. I was putting Juliet down and saw Leah carrying up Rapunzel by her legs up the stairs. She told me that Tangled was tired, too. 

Playing with New Toys

 The days after Christmas are so special. The girls played with their new toys for hours on end. It was calm and peaceful in these parts for a few days. Yesterday was our last Christmas(ish) party. I told Leah that she was going to get her last presents and she replied with, "No, I don't like when you talk like that!"

 Juliet was just thrilled to play with her Sissy's cash register from Auntie Nicole. She couldn't stop smiling!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

The night before Christmas Leah made signs with everyone's names. We keep meaning to buy a family set of stockings, but Chris and I, for the life of us, cannot agree on a stocking. So, we continue on with our "piles". This was really the first year we should have had stockings. I haven't even considered them in previous years because I was afraid Leah would pull them down, along with the decorative weight that we use to hold them up on the mantle with. This year she noticed we didn't have stockings, and wanted them. Oh well. Leah did a great job writing out our names on the paper. The only tricky letter for her was "M" for Mommy. 
 Santa came and got everyone what they asked for! I loved hearing Leah creep up to Buddy and whisper, "I want a big Tangled doll, and a Flynn doll, and Pete the Cat....." It was so cute to watch. Santa delivered everything on her list, and more! Mommy got a new Kate Spade purse and wallet and was thrilled! 
 Leah and her Pete the Cat. Sassy was very apprehensive about getting out of bed this morning, she was so excited about Chrismas in the days leading up to it, but yesterday she kept saying, "I think Christmas is next week, not tomorrow". This morning she didn't want to get out of bed. Chris wondered if it was because she didn't think Santa would actually come. I wondered if it was because she was worried he was still downstairs. Either way, she was thrilled once she got downstairs, though still restrained. It was so adorable to watch! 
 Just like Leah's first Christmas, Juliet got a bathing suit, too! She is so excited to go to the beach and try it out! I am so excited to spend a week with my family! 
 Leah and her doll. It keeps scaring Chris and I, but she LOVES it! 
 Christmas was pretty overwhelming for Juliet. She wasn't really into it. She whined and fussed and went down for an early nap. She wasn't happy until everything was cleaned up and put away. She likes her new toys, but of course wants everything that she can't have...the paper, the small plastic pieces, Leah's cherished toys.....

 Leah liked her Jesse hat! 

 Love these three. So much. 
 Leah got a huge collection of princess toys! We had to make room in the toy shelf! 
 Brain and Annie got Fancy Feast. Ruggie got a "Smart Ear". Everyone was happy. 

 Leah says that she likes her Rapunzel and Pete the Cat the best. 
 Our house was trashed! Chris and I can't stand clutter and a mess, so we picked it all up pretty fast. Sassy even let me give away a large bag of toys that she no longer plays with. After every Christmas and birthday, I insist that we go through the toys and give away the excess. I wanted to pack away all the Sesame Street toys, but Leah wouldn't let me. She said she wasn't ready for that. After the influx of princess themed things, I was happy that she still loves Sesame Street (even if she rarely watches it and never plays with the toys anymore). 
Merry Christmas! 

Christmas Eve

We dressed the girls up, and had hopes of visiting Chris' Grandparents, but the snowy roads kept us home. We stayed in, watched movies, made fajitas, drank Sol (my personal favorite--always reminds me of Mexico), and let the girls unwrap their gifts from each other. Leah was so excited to open presents. Juliet, too. Though, of course, the wrapping paper is much more fun than the gift inside. 
 Leah got a Tangled doll assortment and Juliet got a turtle. Both girls were quite happy.