Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Last Gym CLass

 This was Leah's final week as a "Tiny Monkey". She has been doing the Mommy and Me (or Daddy and Me) class since she was barely 2 years old. She has always loved gymnastics, and Mommy and Daddy have loved it, too (especially once she was 3 and she really started to excel). 
 She wants to continue gymnastics, but we agreed to take a small break and give dance a try. When we come back to gymnastics in the fall, she will be in the 4 year old class, and I will have to wait in the waiting room. That makes me sad. How fast they grow. 
 The last day is Bounce House day, which Sassy LOVES. She had so much fun jumping around. 
 This week they got to do the long trampoline, which Sassy loved. This girl has been jumping nonstop for the past 2 years. 

 This week the teacher taught the kids Duck, Duck, Goose. It was adorable! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Lukey really liked the chasing part. I tried to get pictures of him running, but he was too fast! 
 The pit is always a hit. 
 Leah was so excited by the pink ribbon! 
 Leah and her friends Lukey and Hudson. 

Nap Time Fun

 Leah asked if she could put herself to sleep one day last week. I usually insist that I come in and read books first, but I allowed it. I could hear her playing and laughing upstairs for a while before it went silent. When I went to check on her, this is what I found. I love the hat balancing on her head, and that she is surrounded by books. 

I had to get a picture, so I ran back upstairs and left Juliet alone for a few seconds with the instructions, "be good". Of course she got right into the bathroom (her favorite area of the house) and was making a total mess. She knew I couldn't be mad, though, and was laughing and babbling about how much fun she was having in my absence. 

 I love this picture of her with her head thrown back. This is so Jelly Boo when she is really excited. It never fails to make me smile. 
 What a cute toothy grin!

Anywhere Chair

This one is ready for her own anywhere chair. I ordered one back in February for her, but it was backordered until May. It will make an excellent 1st birthday present! 


I am completely obsessed with pictures of the girls sleeping lately. Leah's sleeping habits have vastly improved; she only wanders into our room around 5 am once or twice a week lately. However, once I leave the bed, her and Juliet will find each other in a matter of minutes. I love how they cuddle close. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Jelly Boo is 11 Months!

 Jelly Boo Boo,

I can't believe this is my second to last monthly update for you. I so vividly remember writing your first month update. I remember sitting at the computer and feeling so overwhelmed and tired. I felt like a fat, tired failure. I remember knowing it would get easier, but feeling sad that your first month was done, and like I had spent the entire first month trying to get you comfortable. You had a hard start, and Daddy and I worked so hard to get you to even feel content. 
I remember writing your second month update, and being so proud that you were already smiling. I remember writing your third monthly update, and feeling sad that when I wrote your fourth update, I would be back at work. I remember writing each and every update. And now all those months have added up and you are now almost 1 year old! I was so sad when I saw the last monthly sticker. 
You are such a character. Daddy and I call you our small but mighty Jelly Boo. You are tiny, but you are mighty. Last week I was feeding you hummus off a pretzel. Every time I took the pretzel away to put hummus on it, you threw your head back and cried. You have such a distinct cry. When you are very, very upset, you don't even cry. You silently hold your mouth open for a few minutes, then let forth an ear piercing cry. You can be a huge drama queen when you don't get your way. However, you have become much more obedient this month. You will stay off the stairs when I tell you, and you keep your headbands in your hair now.  
 You are very social, and love to toddle around stores and greet everyone you see. You are always smiling, and we always get many compliments about how adorable and well behaved you are. 
 Your sleep has really declined this month. I was just telling Daddy what a pleasure it is to put you to bed. We would read stories, nurse, and cuddle, and you would go to sleep. This month you decided to follow in the footsteps of your sissy and become a stinker with sleeping. You now fight each nap until you are literally falling down because you are so tired. You then will go though the story, nursing, and cuddling routine. Then you will start loudly humming, or pushing on me with your feel, or making the "don't sell" motion with your hands, or you will just start talking loudly. You laugh with glee when you realize you've won, and your nap has been delayed. 
 This month you've also started to really "play". Last night you had the entire family laughing hard with your rousing game of "peek-a-boo". You kept covering up your face with a dish cloth, then reappearing to our delight. We were all belly laughing, and you loved being the star. We also play chase now, and you love the game. When you hear, "you better run", you look back and laugh. Sometimes you run right to me, and sometimes you like to be chased. Yes, you run. We haven't seen you crawl for a while now. 
You are now wearing mostly 6-12 month clothes, with a few 3-6 month still in the mix. You wear a size 3 diaper. You take 3 or 4 naps each day, that are around 30-60 minutes each. You go to sleep around 9 or 9:30, and I usually wake up you up for the day around 7:30. You wake up regularly to nurse throughout the night. This was the first month you stopped taking a bottle for our nanny.  Mommy was elated to throw the breast pump in the basement with the other baby things!  
 You love to eat. Meatloaf seems to be your all time favorite. You also like cottage cheese, Daddy's pancakes, crackers, and bits from Mommy's soup. You love your sippy cups! You like to go out to eat and to try new things. However, sometimes you love a food one day, and won't even try it the next. This has been the case with applesauce, baby puffs, and green melon. 
You love your sissy, and I often catch you two playing nicely together. However, she has gotten much more comfortable with picking you up. You are quickly learning how to dodge her.  She always is telling you "no", and now you just argue back at her with your babbles. When you are really upset, you still try to explain your woes to me. Last night you were up with a stuffed up nose. You were crying and pretty miserable. I kept trying to nurse you or cuddle you. You kept pulling back, looking in my eyes, and telling me your tales of woe. I hope you never stop that. 
Jelly Belly Boo Boo, you are such a joy. We love you more than you will ever know. 


Saturday, April 13, 2013

New(ish) Stroller

 We got the sit and stand stroller that my mom and dad bought us when we had Juliet out last weekend. Both girls liked the stroller (well, Juliet tolerated it as well and for about as long as she tolerates any stroller), and had fun "helping" daddy assemble it. Leah found the parent organizer and said, "look, it's a sling for my Dora! Now she can stay close to me!" I thought that was super sweet. 
Auntie Nicole and I used it to take the girls to the Tanger outlets. It was the first time I attempted to take both girls that far from home without Chris. Both girls did well, and Auntie Nicole was an excellent helper!  

We Heart Pat the Bunny

Juliet got Pat the Bunny from the Easter Bunny, and since then, we have read it at least twice a day. There is something magical about this book. I remember how much Leah loved it, and how often she would play with it. Leah always loved books though. Juliet, until now, has been pretty indifferent to books. She liked to unpack our book baskets, or chew on books, but she didn't really care to be read to. Pat the Bunny changed everything. 

She LOVES this book. She likes to do all the actions, too.

"Judy can pat the bunny. Now you pat the bunny"
(Juliet is an enthusiastic patter) 

Juliet likes to play peek a boo with Paul, too. 

 Juliet LOVES to look in the mirror. She always gives herself a big kiss. 
 She likes to read Judy's Book, too. 
When she reads that Bunny is "sooooooooooooooo big", so stands up and does "so big", too. 

Now Juliet loves to be read to. We read several books throughout the day. She especially likes touch and feel books. When there is nothing to be felt, she sometimes gets annoyed and throws the book down.
I hope that Jelly Boo grows to love books as much as her sister does! 

Spring Break Fun

 We had a very mellow Spring Break. I really liked being home all the time, and told Chris I have a renewed interest in staying home. He said no. Leah is really, really into Dora the Explorer and likes to turn paper towel rolls into "binackulars". 
 We made pink cupcakes and took them to Daddy at work. Leah LOVED seeing her Daddy at his office. We had lunch with him twice. I found an old Sesame Street CD that we had got with one of her DVDs. We had never used it, but for fun we put it in the car one day. Leah loves listening to her Sesame Street CD and exclaims, "I know this song!" with each new song (there are only 6 on the CD). Mommy and Daddy are getting very burned out! 
 We got to play outside a few days! 
 Leah is obsessed with having Brain sleep with her at nap. We always have to leave the door open so that Brain can get in. Then she will contort herself into all types of odd positions so that she is either a) closer to Brain or b) has a better view of the possibility of Brain coming into her room. Here she is in her QUEEN bed, falling off the side, so that "Brain will see that he has lots of room to come and sleep with me". 
 Juliet loved the baby swing! 
Leah blew bubbles. She didn't want her picture taken, though. 

Easter Fail

 After a wonderful Easter morning, and a long nap, we dressed the girls up for our 2nd Annual Easter Brunch/Lunch at the Courthouse Grille. 
 The girls looked adorable, and coordinated, but neither wanted anything to do with getting their picture taken. 
 Juliet HATED her new shoes (well, new to her). She had her feet all balled up and kept crying and whining until we took them off. Then she was happy. 
We had some yummy food (J. Boo loved the bread) and then we came home. It was a great Easter.