Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween at School

 The best part about being a Reading Interventionist again is that I can attend parties. I worked all day Thursday so that I could have Friday off. I got to plan and volunteer during Leah's Halloween party. It was so cute to see. The kids had a lot of fun and ate a ton of candy.
 Leah was so excited to dress up as a witch. I did my best to apply face paint for her. I made a little cob web on her face with a spider. Juliet got to have a "party" at the baby-sitters. I didn't want her to wreck her costume, so she just wore a cat shirt and a tutu she loves. I face painted her face and she was very excited about it. Anytime we take pictures when she is a "cat" she always wants to lick her hands paws. 
We came home and watched "Spookly the Square Pumpkin". Both girls took a long nap. We went trick-or-treating at the Summit. Chris ended up having to work late, so I took them both solo. Leah ended up getting a belly ache 2 minutes into the event, and Juliet was annoyed that we couldn't stop and play at all the displays. I earned the wine that I came home and drank. 

My Mini-Me

I LOVE this picture of Leah. I told her to act "mean" and she gave me this look. I love it. I catch my self making this expression all the time when I am thinking, "This person is crazy, but act cool". Neither one of us have a poker face, apparently. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Trick or Treat, Part 1

 We went to Downtown Plymouth's Annual Trick or Treat event. Leah LOVES her witch costume. Juliet was Minnie Mouse, which was a Costco special we picked up a few months ago. Juliet like it, but is now very sensitive to "itchy" things, so she was pretty unhappy with the tights, ears, and dress (you know, the costume). She also doesn't like cold weather, so it was a little chilly for her (though she did actually wear a coat). Leah, as usual, was a rock star (which she usually is, especially when it involves candy).
 The girls were all dressed. We got to go around a little bit. Then Leah wanted her face painted. It was a long wait. Then we were all cold and hungry. It happens every year. We left after a bit to go to lunch. 
It was still fun and a great tradition.

The Time Leah Slept in Ollie's Cage

Last week I washed all the bedding in Ollie's cage. Since the day we brought Ollie home, it has been obvious that he likes the finer things in life. He loves soft cushy beds, pillows, and blankets. His cage has a doggie mattress, and a soft blanket to make him happy and comfortable. Leah and Juliet had so much fun getting Ollie's bed ready for him after everything was washed. Leah asked if she could sleep in there. I told her she could read books and "sleep" while I put Juliet down for bed. When I came back, Leah was in there sound asleep. It was so funny! Chris came home an hour or so later and insisted we move her to her bed. She still asks if she can sleep in there. 

First Field Trip. Nevermind, Second Field Trip

 Juliet had her first field trip to the Apple Orchard. Actually, now that I think about it, she went on this same trip last year in Stay and Play. So, never mind. It was actually her second field trip. She had fun. She liked wearing Leah's hat. 
 Juliet and Anna paired right up. They are best friends at school. The teachers told Robin and I that they are often together. I got to talk a bit to Juliet's teacher, which was nice. She said that she is very empathetic and kind. She is a good listener (that's nice that she listens to someone else). She is having a little trouble understanding Juliet at times. 
 Juliet picked a pumpkin, the decided she liked the pumpkin I picked better, so we had to trade. She ate an apple and drank cider. We got some to take home, and for the first time ever, the girls actually drank it. It was a fun trip!

Birthday Parties and Pumpkin Patches

Leah had a Frozen themed birthday party a few weeks back. She hasn't asked to watch Frozen, dress up like Elsa, or play with any of her Frozen toys at all recently. I wondered if she was over it. But, she was so excited to put on the dress, get her hair done, and wear the crown. I was excited that she liked it. 

Now that Leah is in school, she has had several birthday party invitations. Juliet is devastated. She doesn't understand why she can't go. Leah just invites her, and tells her it's fine for her to come, and then when I tell her she can't she just explodes with grief. On this day, we told her she could go with Daddy to Lowes, ride in the racing cart, and get a hot dog while we were at the party. She ended up falling asleep, so after I got home we decided to go to the pumpkin patch, then go to Lowes. Then, Daddy decided Home Depot would be better. There were no racing carts, and the hot dog cart closed right as we walked in. Juliet was so disappointed. No birthday party, no bounce house, no racing cart, no hot dog. Lesson learned. Lowes it is. 
 Leah had her face painted from the party. She had so much fun picking out pumpkins. She wanted almost every pumpkin that she saw. She kept loading up the wagon. 
 Juliet isn't really a pumpkin patch kid. She doesn't like standing in weeds and dirt. She doesn't like being poked. She doesn't like to carry heavy pumpkins. It's just not her favorite place. She faked it well for a picture, though. 

 Annual pumpkin pictures! There was a family picture, too, but I didn't like it. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Just a Girl and her Dog (and another girl)

 Leah and her boy Ollie. Ollie sometimes annoys her by chewing all the toys in the house, or jumping on her bed and trying to chew on her a little, but she still loves him more than anything. 
 I think Ollie is pretty happy here. Juliet is warming up slowly but surely. Sometimes she pets Ollie and kisses his head. He has to be pretty calm for her to do so. She says she loves him. It's just a matter of time before they have their big breakthrough. 

Happy Early Halloween!

 I think these are the cutest Halloween dresses. The girls loved them. Juliet especially loved that she got to wear the tights she picked out at Hanna Andersson 2 months ago and cried about wanting to wear everyday. I wouldn't let her because it was 90 degrees. She's glad that is finally cool enough to wear them. I'm not. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Skeleton Jammies

 I will never tire of this tradition. Matching Jammies. I will try to convince them to wear these when they are teenagers. This year Leah was reluctant to get them. I worried it was because she was too old, but she told me she had a scary dream about a family of skeletons, and wasn't sure she liked skeletons anymore. I showed her a couple different versions of these jammies, and asked if she liked any of them. She liked these the best because they had a heart, and they glowed in the dark. She's worn them happily a few times now. 
 These two are always hugging and kissing (and pushing and talking unkindly). They are the best of friends. 

Leah's First "Friend" Party

 Leah had her first "friend" party and her last party celebrating her 6th birthday. She's had quite the year of celebrations--a Chicago trip, a family party, AND a friend party. She's wanted a friend party since she turned 5, but I didn't want to have one until she started Kindergarten, as this is the school she is going to stay at. I thought it would also be nice to meet some of the parents in her class and check out the kids, too. Last year she was at my school, so I had a pretty good pulse on the class. It was a a great party. Leah had fun and it was nice to see the kids she has been talking about for the past few weeks. 
 Leah and Juliet were so excited. This day was super special for Leah because it was her turn to be "Star Student", and it was picture day, and it was "Friday Fun-Day" at school. 
 Here is her class. I think everyone had fun. 
 They chanted her name before presents, and it was pretty cute to see her come in twirling her hair, a tiny bit uncomfortable. I would have been, too! 
 I think everyone had fun. Leah got a lot of presents, and we've already had many fights break out in our house over who "gets" which present. Since Leah has had so many parties, I told her she needed to share her presents with Juliet. There is a stuffed dog and a Palace Pet that have been fought over relentlessly over the past 24 hours. It was so annoying that after a few glasses of wine last night, I bought another, matching, Palace Pet off Amazon so I didn't have to hear about it any longer. I'm sure I just taught them a life long lesson that if they whine and complain enough while Mama is drinking wine, she will just get another of the object being fought over. Nice. 
 I made these cupcakes. I even used an icing bag and decorating tip. I went all out. It took a LONG time (mostly because I had never used the tools before and didn't really know what I was doing), but I thought it turned out pretty nice. We also made fruit kabobs. During all this, we discovered our garbage disposal had a crack, so Chris had to go to Home Depot and install a new one while I did all the party work. It got a little hairy for a bit, but it all worked out. :)

Dance Class Cuties

 These girls are back at dance. This is Juliet's first year. Last year, I dreaded most ballet days. Juliet would always cry when Leah had her class and sob, "When my turn? Why I no go to ballet?" She was thrilled that she was old enough to go this year. She is taking ballet and Leah is taking Ballet 2 and tap. They both have Ms. Lisa for a teacher, who is Leah's favorite dance teacher of all time. Her other teacher, Leah says, "takes her ballet really seriously". 

Ollie's Back

 Our boy Ollie has made a good recovery. Once his stitches were out and his cone was off, he was back to himself. This picture of him and Leah might be my favorite picture of the two of them for a long time. Though Leah sometimes tires of his chewing and him following her around, they are best friends. Ollie loves cuddling with Leah and doing his best to not annoy her. Juliet still tells us she doesn't like dogs, but loves Ollie. If Ollie is very tired and laying very still, Juliet will pet him. She doesn't like when he moves. 
We went to a dog training class, and are doing our best to "train" him before the class starts. He's learned "sit" so far. He can do "stay" with some support if he's not too hungry. He wants to "shake" but is pretty clueless. Chris has been taking him on the "Dan Morris" walks (our new trainer) where he is trying to teach Ollie to walk like a gentleman. He's making progress, but still thinks it's a free for all with me and pulls.