Monday, August 29, 2011

Second Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Leah's second birthday by going to the Toledo Zoo. Leah loves animals, so we knew it would be the perfect birthday treat. We dressed her up in a fancy birthday tutu (because she is two-two), and headed down to Toledo.

Leah really enjoyed the frogs in the amphibian house. She kept saying, "tickle, tickle froggie". She didn't care for any of the larger reptiles, though. This little froggie was the perfect size for our Sassy.

Leah liked sitting on the monkey. Daddy kept insisting that we call it a gorilla, but Sassy would correct him by saying monkey.

We packed a nice lunch to eat at the zoo. Sassy enjoyed a PBJ, cheese, chickadees, and kiwi for her second birthday lunch.

One of the big selling points of the Toledo Zoo is the baby elephant, Lucas. Leah really enjoyed the elephants. We went to see them twice because she liked them so much.

Mama and Baby Lucas. Pretty cute.

Leah also really liked the aquarium. She didn't like any of the mean or larger looking fish, but she really liked the colorful fish. She would stand on the ledge and say, "see, fishie, Mama? Whooooaaa!"Leah also liked the hippos. They were feeling frisky and playing right by the glass. At first Sassy was nervous, but then she thought they were great fun.

Leah hit a wall towards the end of the trip. I really wanted a birthday picture, but she wasn't having it. Oh well. We were at the zoo for almost 4 hours (which is impressively long with a 2 year old), and she was having 100% fun for 3 hours and 56 minutes. I won't begrudge her for not allowing a family picture (I'll just know to get it earlier in the trip next time!).

Ice Cream

After the zoo, we wanted to get ice cream (every good birthday celebration includes a trip to get ice cream). I was really excited because the Internet told me that there was a Friendly's a few miles away from the zoo. I love Friendly's and couldn't wait to visit. Unfortunately, we couldn't find the Friendly's. It had either closed down or the GPS lead us astray (apparently there are several Monroe Streets in Toledo). There was a Dairy Queen, though. Lili really enjoyed eating her ice cream.

After we got home, she watched 20 minutes of a DD. Then she started loudly announcing, "EAT!". We planned on taking her to Olga's (her favorite restaurant), so I asked her if she was ready for her cheesy bread. She said "OKAY!". Then loudly whined the entire way to Olga's for her, "cheeeeessssyyyyyy bbbbrreeeaaaddd!". It turns out that she was really hungry. Sassy ate several snackers, her entire kids meal (3 cheese Olga and side of Mandarin oranges), and drank most of her chocolate milk.

We finished the night by taking Cooper home, seeing Aunties Turtles, and playing on cousin Trevor's scooter. What a great 2 year birthday!

Happy Girl

Lili has become very interested in the camera. She has decided that she sometimes likes to get her picture taken. We've been practicing smiles all summer. When you ask her to smile, her first instinct is to scrunch up her face, close her eyes, and give a big wide smile. It doesn't make for the cutest pictures. Sassy is determined to get her smile right!

Lili has also decided that she likes to take pictures. Here is her first picture ever! I think it really captures the essence of Ruggie.

Sassy also went to the doctor on Friday. She is in the 25% for weight and height. She scored well above average on her 2 year survey. She is perfect. The best news is that she doesn't have to go back to the doctor until she is 3! That's good because Sassy isn't the biggest fan of Dr. B.

Little Car

Grandma and Grandpa and Mama and Dada bought this car as an early birthday present for Sassy. Turns out we should have made it a non-early birthday present. She had a difficult time operating the car when we got it in June. She seems to have figured out how it works now, though. She really enjoys riding around in her "baby car".

Monday, August 22, 2011

Leah Elisabeth

I can't believe our baby girl is almost 2 years old. I really want to write a post detailing Leah (we will see if she naps long enough to let me). I think this is such a magical age. Leah is turning into a such a character!

Leah loves to talk. Her language has really exploded this summer. Every time someone sees her one of the first comments we hear is, "she is really talking a lot more!". Leah loves to talk. Her favorite topics of discussions are Mama/Dada ("where da Mama?" "Come with da Mama?," "find Dada," "Dada pee and wash hands!"), Sesame Street ("DD?" "Two Eeeerrrrnnniieess come?"), Food ("eat da cookie!" "Drrriiinnkk! Juice, please!") and telling everyone what to do. I thought the word no was reserved for Ruggie, Cooper, and Lucia but I have been proved wrong over the past few weeks. I hear "no, Mama, no, that's enough!" more than I'd like to admit. That's not to say Leah is bratty, though, just strong willed. :)

Leah is one of the most affectionate kids I've ever met. She loves to cuddle and will tell you to cuddle her throughout the day ("cuddle with Mama!"). Chris and I both love her spontaneous leg hugs, when she runs up to you and hugs your legs with all her might. Leah believes every good hug ends with a kiss. So even when you ask for just a hug, she'll end it with a big "Mwwwhhhhaaa!" and a sloppy wet kiss on your lips. She will watch TV independently, but she prefers to watch it with someone. She likes to sit as close as possible and lean her body completely into yours. Leah is still rocked to sleep. I don't know how I'll ever break it! It is so nice to have 20 minutes of reserved cuddling time each evening.

Leah remains leery of strangers and people she doesn't see often. She doesn't like large crowds of people at all. She feels panicked about the possibility of being separated from her Mama or Dada, so she prefers to stay very close until she is sure there are no child abductors in the crowd.

Leah loves our summer routine. Each day we sleep in to 8:30 or 9:00. After some cuddling time, we head downstairs where Leah can select a DVD. We now have over 20 Sesame Street DVD's (seriously...), so Leah likes to take her time selecting. She has learned to "read" the name of the DVD by the spine. One of her recent favorites is "Kids Favorite Songs 2". So as Leah is reaching for the DVD she'll be saying, "kids songs!!". After breakfast we get ready for the day. Sassy loves to brush her teeth and hair and help select her outfit for the day. Usually I give her 2 choices and she really takes her time looking at both selections before making a choice. She also takes great joy in selecting a barrette to wear (which is usually ripped out 10 minutes later). After we are ready, we usually run our errands for the day. Leah loves to go to the store (any store). She loves to help clean the cart, buckle herself in, and look at the fish (in Meijer). After lunch Leah takes her nap. After a summer of 2 naps one day, 1 nap the next, she has seemed to settle into a 1 nap per day routine. Lili usually naps for about 45 minutes in her crib and then another 45 minutes in my lap

(I currently have a snoring baby in my arms). After nap we usually play outside. Sassy loves to play with chalk, bubbles, her tricycle, her sand table, and her playhouse. Our neighbors often come over around this time and Leah has a lot of fun playing with them. After some outside fun, it's usually time for Daddy to come home. Leah loves her Daddy, but at this point of the day she is often suffering from Sesame Street withdraw, so she often greets him with "DD?" After dinner Leah loves to go for a walk around the neighborhood. First she selects some friends to accompany her (lately that has been the two Ernies), then gets her MoMo shoes (Elmo Crocs) on, then walks to the stroller and asks, "helpa da hook?" (help hook herself in the stroller). After our walk, she usually enjoys playing outside outside some more before heading in for the night. Leah usually doesn't go to sleep until 10ish, and that is after plenty of hugs, kisses, stories, and jumping on the bed!

Things Leah loves:

drawing/coloring, jumping, anything Sesame Street, playing in the van, cheese, "pink" (strawberry yogurt Cheerios), fruit, Olga's, animals, balloons, running, helping Mama cook, cookies, Reeses Pieces, being twirled around and around by Daddy, the pool, the beach, books (especially the Elmo's World Books and No No, Yes Yes), being outside, going to the store, getting the mail, Brain, Annie, and Rugen, singing the Elmo's World Theme song, puzzles.

Things Leah hates:

having her hair washed, bubble bath, time outs (she has only had 2, but they made an impression!), being told not to jump on chairs, being told no in general, waking up early, Ruggie eating her food, staying somewhere too long after she has already told you "GO HOME!"

I could keep writing about my baby for many more paragraphs, but she was woke up from her nap, is drawing with highlighters on the floor of our very dirty study (soon to be big girl room), and is asking to eat. Happy (almost) Second Birthday, Sassy!

Getting Ready...

Second Birthday Party

Leah and her adoring fans during her birthday party.

Leah loves cake. We had Sesame Street cupcakes made. Leah looked at the cupcakes for a long time before deciding which character she wanted (Ernie). Se was really excited to get to use her number 2 candle that we had purchased from Target a few weeks ago.

Leah didn't care for the singing, again. This time she opted to snuggle on Mama during the "Happy Birthday" song.

Leah was very excited to get presents. We started talking about the party several days in advance since Sassy doesn't usually like crowds of people. She gets especially nervous if she thinks people might touch her (like want to hold her). We talked about how people would come to the party, bring presents, give hugs, and Mama and Dada would be there to have fun with Sassy. Every time we talked about the party she would say "toys!". As the people started arriving to the party Sassy said, "go nap, night night!". I let her play on the Zoom, though, and she got acclimated to the crowd. I think all the new toys were her favorite part of the party!

Whoa! Look at all that loot in the background! Leah Elisabeth is one lucky child. Thank you to the many people who came to the party!

Birthday Cake 2.0

After Sassy woke up from her nap, she asked for more cake. This time she opted for Burt.

Playing Outside After the Party

Leah's friend Tea showed Leah how to climb up the slide (a big no-no on the playground). Leah thinks that it is super fun and enjoys climbing up and sliding down over and over again.