Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bucket Swing

We got Sassy a "big girl" swing for the swingset (thanks again for the set, Auntie Renee) She loves swinging! I love summer vacation...I wish I could be a stay-at-home Mommy. Hint, hint.
Today is our 4 year (wedding) aniversary! I can't believe it! Chris is planning something very romantic.

Tub Time

"No pictures in the tub, Mama, it's embarrasing!" "Okay, just one!"
"One more, this time capture all my rolls on my rolly polly arm!"


Leah splashed in her pool while I planted flowers last week. I thought she would love it, but she spent most of the time trying to figure out how to escape and get to me. I guess she prefers the big pool!

Leah Loves Reading

I'm pretty sure Leah's favorite toys are books. She could look at them all day. She prefers to be read to, but also enjoys reading independently.

Friday, June 25, 2010


Leah has been sick for a few days now--had an upset belly on Saturday and Sunday which turned into a runny nose on Monday and still continues. Leah's sleep has been really impacted, but not her attitude. She continues to be a very happy baby! She has been wearing headbands all week to keep her snot out of her hair. I think headbands are a great look for her!
See the little spit bubble on Leah's tongue?



Barclay and Ethan came over to spend the day with Sassy. Leah really enjoyed having company in the backseat!
Barclay pushed Leah on a big girl swing!

Ethan practicing his moves! Ethan ate a double cheeseburger for lunch!

Barclay catching up on current events. Barclay and I had a conversation about the Gulf Oil Spill. Barclay believes "BP" should be fired.

Leah loves swimming!

Glow Worm

We finally put a new battery in Glow Worm. Leah is in love. She cradles Glow Worm every evening on our daily walk. She loves holding her ears. Don't try to take Glow Worm away! You will regret it!

Liberty Fest

Chris' cousin, Robin, got married last weekend. Auntie Renee came over to baby-sitt. Leah was an absolute all-star with Auntie. When Chris and I were leaving, we were waving bye-bye to her. Leah waved back, but would then point at Auntie Renee! Despite the start, they had a lot of fun together--no tears! We got home early so Aunt Renee could meet her family and watch the fireworks. Leah was asleep, so we settled in for bed--but Sass woke up and wanted to watch the show. She was a little sleepy, but still seemed to enjoy the lights and sounds.
Sass is touching her ear here, a sure sign that she is sleepy!

Monday, June 21, 2010

9 Month Pictures

Then to "Online Ordering".

Next to "Leah".

The password is "leah".

There are a lot of cute pictures. I already have 14 on the "Must" order list.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Leah has 6 teeth coming though. Mama and Sass aren't sleeping very much. Sorry to everyone I've been short with over the past week! Only one has fully popped, so my 'tude might continue for a while! :)

Leah loves Brain-Brain sooooooo much. She talks to him in a special tone. Brain senses Leah's potential as a petter, but gets annoyed when she pulls too hard at his fur. Brain is a good sport though and is the most trustworthy of all our animals.

Comfy New Sheets


Lili loved the water. Mommy can't wait until school is out (3 1/2 days left!) so she can take Sass to the pool daily.
"Seriously, Mama? I'm ready for the pool!"

Off to the Farmers Market

Canton's Farmers Market sucks. Don't go.

Our Newest Additions....

Ducks! We named them DJ Freaky Feathers and Tammy. They come several times a day to eat bird seed that has fallen from the bird feeder.