Thursday, August 26, 2010

Last Day as an Eleven Month Old

We celebrated the occasion by playing outside all afternoon. Last year at this time I was planning how to spend my last day as a pregnant lady (the plans were never realized as Sassy came 1 day before the induction). This year I spent the same day chasing around a giggly toddler.

All About Leah!

Today is Leah's last day as an eleven month old. I thought I'd take a few minutes to remark on Leah's favorite things.

Leah's best friend is Brain. She loves all animals, but her relationship with Brain is something special. She discovered additional cat toys in the dining room (namely the type that are a stick with a toy at the end), and enjoys using it to play with Brain. When she gets tired she often tries to snuggle Brain, instead of a blanket (or dishrag-yuck!). Leah loves playing outside. She especially loves swinging (on the big girl swing). When I go to the garage, she runs as quickly as she can to the door after me. She likes to catch the neighbors' attention by squealing loudly. She is getting good at walking through the grass. Everyday we wait for Daddy. She enjoys pointing to the passing cars until Daddy pulls in the driveway. Then, she runs toward the car saying, "Dada, Dada".

Leah's favorite indoor activities are: climbing the stairs, playing with Brain, trying to get to Annie, feeding Ruggie 1/2 of whatever she's eating, dancing, and reading. She is a busy girl, but she always has time for a good book. Chris and I can get her to come back from other rooms by beginning to "read" the first pages of her favorite books ("Where is Mommy?", "Where is Daddy?", "Little Feet Love", and "Hooray for Fish").

Leah loves eating fruit (especially watermelon), chicken, avacado, string cheese, pizza, and pasta dishes. She still loves nursing and shows no signs of cutting back or trying alternative beverages (except ice water).

Leah has 8.5 teeth. One molar has cut, and the others are looking close (though they've looked close for 3 weeks now). All the molars have caused her to sleep restlessly. Chris jokes that she has become the endangered, crying worm from The Simpsons. She has gone from waking twice a night to sometimes waking up every 45 minutes. She insists on sleeping across my chest beginning at 6 am each morning. She has become more of a Daddy's girl in recent weeks, but still insists that Mommy put her to bed each night.

Everyone Leah meets remarks that she is a very happy baby. She loves flirting with strangers and waving enthusiastically at everyone she meets. I'll ask her, "Ready to go bye-bye with Mommy?", and she'll get a huge smile on her face and come running.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Birthday Present

We let Lili open a birthday present a week early. She enjoyed the unwrapping process, as well as the actual toy. It is a school house/clock/music box. I had the same one when I was little. Fisher Price has a line of vintage toys out. Some of them look cheesy, but I loved this one. Leah has enjoyed dancing to the music and toting it around the house.

Sharing my chair with Daddy

More outside fun!

Leah pretending that she is in baby jail.

New Washer

Our new washer arrived on Tuesday. Leah enjoys watching the clothes get cleaned. I like the cute little jingle it emits when the cycle is finished.


Daddy oiled the swing so it doesn't squeak any longer. We are spending lots of time swinging.

Watching the Finches

The cutest little birdies have been snacking on our cone flowers. We all enjoy watching them.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Birthday Chair

Lili got a Pottery Barn Kids Anywhere Chair for her first birthday. I wanted it here by her birthday, so I ordered early. It came while we were in OBX, and I couldn't wait to set it up for her. She loves jumping off the chair and reading in the chair. Our living room was feeling a little overstuffed, so we moved out the rocker and replaced it with Sassy's very own chair.

Someone else likes the chair...

Brain Brain seems to think the chair is his. He is quite unhappy when Leah kicks him out of the chair. Though Brain is a boy, he's always been drawn to pink.

Pretty Personal

I loved personalized stuff when I was a kid. I hope Sassy does, too...

Book and a Blanket

Dancing Queen

Leah has been a dancing queen all week. She plays music on her music table or lion and begins dancing all around. She especially loves when mommy dances with her.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Beach walks

Oldest, middle, and youngest sister!

This is Daddy's newest favorite picture of Leah. I agree that it's pretty cute!


Sassy had fun in the pool. She enjoyed jumping off the edge, being spun around, and not having to share the pool with anyone besides family! Mommy is ready for a private pool!

Beach Girl!

When we got to the beach we put Lili down in the sand. She stood up, and walked straight into the water. The chilly water and waves didn't faze her in the least. She really enjoyed playing in the ocean! We're glad Sass played in the ocean in the beginning of the week, because the ocean and beach was infested with jellyfish towards the end of the week. Boo!

Birthday Party!

On Wednesday night, we celebrated all the summer birthdays of the family. Leah got to try cake for the first time. At first, she took her cake quite seriously.

Then she got a little more into it.

She realized how much she loves cake. She couldn't stop smiling!

Cousin Lucia

Leah was very interested in her new cousin. She would spend all day by Lucia's chair if we let her (we didn't because Lucia enjoys sleeping and Leah enjoys squaking). When Lucia cried, Leah was very concerned. Although Leah liked being near Lucia, she was reluctant to touch her. The last night we went to say good-bye to Chantal and cousin Lucia. Leah watched Auntie burp Lucia. Leah stuck out her hand and helped burp her cousin! She patted her just like she pets Brain Brain. It was a cute moment.