Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Toledo Zoo Day

It's a tradition for us to go to the Toledo Zoo for 2 year old's. We went on Leah's birthday the year she turned 2. We couldn't make that work for Juliet, so we went a few weeks late. I learned from the last trip, though, and took the family picture by the fountain BEFORE exploring the zoo. I'm glad, because if we had waited, I'm sure we would have been worse then the below picture. :) 

We saw lots of animals. My favorite part was having lunch with a view of the giraffes and zebras. Juliet was so sweet as she was munching her sandwich and looking at the giraffes running. She kept saying, "Me happy, Me happy". 
 We also saw this cute little polar bear playing.
 Leah loved the carousal, but Juliet just wanted to "watch" so her and Daddy sat on the bench while I stood with Leah. Chris and I were laughing because Juliet thought nothing of riding an actual horse, but wanted nothing to do with the carousal. 

 The penguins had more ducks in the water than penguins. 

 A bear sleeping right against the glass. Juliet was convinced it was going to eat her (as she was with most of the animals she saw). Leah stood close by for a photo.  
 Leah trying hard to take a cute picture. Juliet had no interest. 
Sweet baby elephants. These guys were so cute! Juliet could have just watched them all day. Leah was not so into the elephants. 
 Naked Mole Rats! 
 Juliet was getting tired and ornery towards the end of the trip. She spotted a sand box and got a second wind. She played in the box while Leah went on another ( this time "historic") carousal ride. 
All in all, it was a fun day. And I'm glad I can cross off a zoo trip from our Summer To Do List. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Young 5 Orientation

 This sweet girl had Young 5 orientation this week. She was so nervous. We've been talking about how she would go to Mommy's school for the last year or so, and she has always looked forward to it. When the day came to go to orientation though, and be separated from her Daddy, she was a little nervous. So nervous in fact, that she didn't go to sleep until 12:30 the night before, and then only went to sleep in Juliet's bed in our room. 
I got her all ready for the day. She picked out a new dress and had me curl her hair. She was pretty excited to wear her new shoes, too. 

Daddy came home to pick her up and said that she didn't seem nervous. She got to school, took a picture, drew a picture of her family, and went with Mrs. F back to her room. I saw her coming down the hall holding Mrs. F's hands and started crying! It is so crazy how fast time goes. She looked a little nervous and a little bewildered. She gave me a hug and went right into her classroom. I checked on her a few times, and she was always busy. The report from the teachers was that Leah is a fast finisher (first one done with the project) and loved the art center (wouldn't leave it to try something new). 

I am so excited to have her at my school next year. I am so excited to seeing her blossom. 
Just a few more weeks of preschool and then she is Young 5 Kindergarten bound! 

Hot....All Day!

The air conditioning wasn't working on one of the hot days. Juliet runs very hot. She couldn't sleep and after restlessly trying she was just a sweaty mess. She was feeling sorry for herself when I asked, "Boo-Boo, what's wrong?" She responded in her best Russian accent. "Me hot. All Day!" I put all her hair up and she felt better. It's amazing how much older and more mature she looks with all her hair up. My big girl. 

Opening Presents!

 Lili helped Juliet open her presents. She got a new dolly bed, a princess hat, some new books, and a new puzzle.  
 Juliet was pretty happy. 
 She liked the new hat. And being the center of attention. 

 Leah wanted to get pictures, too. 
Juliet had a great celebration. And a great day. She loves being 2 and happily tells everyone who asks that she is 2. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

To You, Jelly Boo (2 year letter)

Juliet Renee,

You are 2 years old today! We made your cake yesterday. You were insistent on wanting a "yellow cake". I wrote Boo-Boo on it, because that is what you call yourself. We've been working on letters, and when I tell you "J is for Juliet" you give me a quizzical expression and answer back "Boo-Boo?" Each year, on Leah's birthday we go to Olga's. We kept asking you if you wanted to go, and you would say "YUCK!" and start scratching your tongue. Instead, you want ice cream, which is why we made your cake 1 day early. 
You are such a sweet girl. You can be loud at home. One of your favorite games to play is to scream/sing loudly until Leah asks you to stop. You then keep doing it over and over until Leah is on the verge of tears at how annoying you are. You are so gleeful, and love pushing limits like that. However, when you really get into trouble, you hang your head in sorrow and stick out your lower lip as far as it will go. You hate to get into trouble. You are very good at apologizing when you've made a mistake, and think every apology needs a quality hug at the end. 
Speaking of hugs, you are the best hugger ever. Truly. You hug with your entire body. You give lingering hugs that Daddy and I just treasure. 
Somethings are still frightening to you, but you are pretty fearless. Leah always takes you along when she needs to go upstairs when it is dark. You don't mind at all. You will close yourself in a dark closet and play for several minutes until coming out. You do get shy in new situations, and often like to just observe. More often than not, you join the fun after watching for a few minutes. Just like the bounce house this weekend. At first, you were insistent on "watching", but after a few minutes you were ready to go in and enjoy the fun. Your little legs couldn't quite figure out how to steady themselves and jump at the same time, though. 
You are emphatic. Whenever anyone falls or is playing too rough, you stop and ask, "you okay?" You hate to see anyone hurt. 
You are so happy. You have the most natural smile that lights up a room. You are so happy in general. You love to laugh and giggle. Leah had you rolling on the floor this morning reading you "Cookie's Week". You LOVE when she falls into the toilet. You love to do funny things that make us laugh. Leah loves making you laugh. 
 You love to be clean. You hate getting too dirty, and are quick to ask for help getting your hands washed or  to ask for a new outfit if yours somehow gets dirty. You are a crazy messy eater, though. You still require a bib at every meal. You love to eat with your hands, though you will hold (and use) a fork. You like to make sure that both hands are at work. You are so little, but love food so much. 
You have got a little more persnickety about your food. In general, you love fruit and cheese and meat. You can scarf down a Happy Meal like no ones business. You love chocolate milk and often ask for it. We had trouble thinking of what to do for your birthday dinner because you can be so hit and miss (aside from Happy Meals). We ended up deciding on tortoni in pesto sauce. You and Leah both love pesto. 
You love to cuddle. Every night we sit in bed or the chair and you "beep" me. Beeping means to rub my back or tummy. You get so, so sad when you can't "beep". When we watch TV, you will ask to sit in my lap and "beep". You also love to cuddle with Leah, though. In general, you like to be pretty close to someone. You somehow pull that off without bordering on needy or clingy. On Mother's Day morning you let me cuddle you like a baby for close to 20 minutes. You still suck your 2 fingers when you are tired, but rarely put them in your mouth during the day. 
You love Disney Princesses, and Anna is your favorite. You love to talk about your birthday party and how you are going to be Anna. You also love Curious George, you have Leah calling it "Ooo-Ooo, Ahh-Ahh" like you do. You used to LOVE Bubble Guppies, but that seems to have faded a little. You like Dora. You used the potty for the first time a few days ago, and we were so happy that I went upstairs to my "special bin" and pulled out a Dora book that I had bought for Leah a few years ago and never gave her (it's a LOUD singing Dora book). You just loved it and walk around talking about "Dee-Dee-Dee". (Not enough to try the potty again, though). You also really love to color and play with chalk. You love to run and be chased. 
You bring us a great amount of joy, Jelly Belly Boo Boo. We love you so much and cannot even begin to imagine life without you. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Bounce House

 Yesterday our neighbors had a birthday party with a bounce house. Lili really wanted to go bounce, but Hannah was coming over to baby-sit for the evening, and I didn't want to go over the second they inflated it at the risk of coming off as a douche. 
 Today when we got home from Meijer our neighbor came over to tell us they were going to a BBQ, and we were welcome to play on it all afternoon. 
 Leah could hardly believe her luck! 
 I got in and bounced with her, too, but I am "El Azteco" full still, so it was pretty short lived. It was just as fun as I remember from childhood, though. 
 Leah convinced Daddy to go in for a few minutes, too. 
 Such a happy girl! 

Sleeping Boo-Boo

 There's just nothing cuter than a sleeping baby. 

A little photo shoot.... :)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Children's Day on the Farm

 Leah has been so excited for her "farm party". It's all she's been talking about for weeks. We were bummed that it was overcast and a little windy, but it really just felt like a typical fall day. 
 We headed right to the horses when we got there. Leah likes riding horses, and wanted a big one. This year Juliet wanted to ride one, too! Daddy reported that she seemed a little apprehensive at first, but then was yelling "Neigh! Neigh!" as she got going. So proud of our brave girl! 

 Leah is pretty experienced. It's hard to believe that last year at this time, she was terrified of the horses. All we heard about before her end of the year party was how she didn't want to ride a horse, and maybe she should stay home and not even go to the farm party...Now she loves it! 

 When Leah was bouncing in the bounce house, Juliet and I headed to the barn. She was really interested in the bunnies, but not terribily sure what to do with them. She just kept smiling and saying "CCCHHEEESSEE!" even when I put the camera down. 

 Leah knew exactly what to do with the bunnies. Hold them close and kiss them. 

 Just born lambs! 

 This was also the first year that Leah would feed the animals! 
 An older girl talked her into trying to pick up a goat. I never thought Leah would even try it! I lover her expression here. 

 The hayride was fun until it broke down. No worries, though, because it broke down right by the bounce house, so Leah bounced some more. The first time Leah bounced Juliet kept saying "NO WAY!" when we asked if she wanted to bounce. The second time she wanted to bounce, too. She got in and just sat there with a confused/in awe look. It was so funny! When we were asking her about it later she just kept saying "knees!" because she was sitting on her knees. 
 The girls picked flowers and I am in love of this picture of Leah. 
There were silent auction items, too. Leah really, really wanted the princess basket. We opened the bidding, and even offered a second bid when we were outbid. We checked back before leaving and we were outbid by $50. Leah was sad that we wouldn't bid again. She is feeling a little bummed that we have been celebrating my birthday, Christopher's birthday, and then Juliet's birthday next week. She really wants a turn for presents.