Monday, May 23, 2011


Someone no longer dislikes sand...

Duck Exploration

"See that duck by the bird feeder? I'd like to go pet him."

"Here I go!"

"I'm getting closer..."

"It hissed at me! I need reinforcement!"


Cooper was back this weekend! Renee called me earlier in the week to ask if Cooper could spend the weekend. I asked Sassy if she wanted to see Cooper and she replied, "OH-KAY!" (her new favorite word) with great enthusiasm. She got out of bed, went down the stairs, and was calling for me to take her to Aunties in the car. She was very unhappy that she had to wait a few days. She really enjoys Cooper (I think it's that he makes her feel in charge). On Saturday she asked me, "Coopy, kib, Mama?" I asked if she wanted Cooper in the crib, and she gave a resounding, "OH-KAY!" Cooper wasn't quite as excited...


Sometimes you are so proud of yourself, you just burst into applause.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Trip to El Azteco

We went to El Azteco in East Lansing this weekend. While we were there we stopped by our houses from our college days (the houses we lived in when we met). Leah had fun posing in front of them.
I told her Daddy and I lived next door to each other, and we used to go back and forth between our houses several times each day. I explained to Lili that this house used to be white with a purple door. She was intrigued.

I had to take a picture of Daddy and Uncle Andy in our minivan in our old neighborhood.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

We had a great weekend with the beautiful weather. We got lots of pretty flowers for the yard today. I got the best Mother's Day present this week--next year I'll be working 1/2 time (assuming I'm called back from the lay-off list!). I couldn't have asked for a better gift. And, summer vacation is only 5 weeks away!

Bird Seed

Leah loves to play outside. Her newest thing is a love of playing with bird seed. She fills her blue cup and carefully plays with the seed in the cup for 5 minutes or so. Then she teases Rugen with the seed. The she unpacks it into her cottage or takes handfuls full and throws it into the grass. Today she was putting it at the bottom of her slide. When it's all gone, she asks, "more, please?".

Mo-Mo Shirt

It's no secret that Lili loves Sesame Street. Her favorite characters (in order) are: Ernie, Grover, Elmo, and Zoe. But, Mo-Mo is her favorite character to talk about. We got her a Mo-M0 shirt off Etsy. It's a hit!

Lili did not want her picture taken.


During Easter break Leah grew very interested in Play-doh. She could never resist the urge to put it into her mouth for a little taste though. I remembered a peanut butter play-doh recipe from "Jon and Kate Plus Eight". It is equal parts peanut butter, honey, and evaporated milk. It tastes like the inside of a Reeses Peanut Butter cup. Leah loved it--so did Ruggie. He ate the container when Leah and I left.