Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Birthday Girl!

Cupcake Face

3 is the Age to Be!

 We celebrated Sassy's birthday this weekend. On Saturday we went back to the Hands-On Mueseum. We actually bought a membership because I know it will be a place that Sass will enjoy going to regularly. We went out to lunch at Leo's to get Sassy's favorite lunch (chicken and fries with a cup of chocolate milk). After a nice nap we went to Uncle Andy's housewarming party where Sassy watched a Muppet movie, ate 3 cupcakes and countless gummy sharks, and sang karaoke. 
 On Sunday Sassy got to go swimming at the pool with Daddy and make cupcakes with Mommy. 
 On Monday I took Sass to get a manicure. We went out to dinner at Sassy's favorite restaurant (Olga's) which is also where we went for her 2nd birthday. Daddy was pretty birthdayed out. Sass had been taking advantage of the loosened rules. 
 The important thing is that Sassy had a great birthday. She is a lucky little girl and we count ourselves as lucky parents to have the pleasure of raising her. 
 As you can see she's holding her Rapunzel doll in these pictures. In our house, it is all Rapunzel all the time now. I told her she was getting a Rapunzel doll as a birthday present and that it would come in the mail. For days she would just keep repeating, "The doorbell is going to ring. Rugen is going to say woof woof. And you know what it's going to be? And you know what it's going to be? My Rapunzel dolly!" She watches Tangled every morning. She has 2 Tangled books and insists on reading them over and over. She says she wants to be Tangled for Halloween and doesn't want a haircut before school begins because she wants long hair like Rapunzel. I miss Sesame Street. 


 Leah wrote her name last week! It's a little difficult to make out in the above picture, but I had to document it! We were playing outside and I was walking her through how to make letters. She wrote her entire name by herself (with some reminders on how to form letters). She was so proud of herself. I asked if she wanted to try it again and she said, "Actually, I just want to have fun with chalk now." I was so proud of her! 

Jelly Belly Boo

 In other news, Jelly Boo rolled over! She got stuck on her arm, but I still counted it because she started on her back, rolled to her belly, and rolled back to her back. The picture below is her actually rolling back from her first roll! 
 The picture below makes me laugh. It's just so Juliet. I had put her down in the swing, and she had actually stayed asleep. I cleaned some dishes in the sink and thought, "She's still sleeping! On her own! Chris will never believe it. I  better take her picture." No sooner than I had grabbed the camera was she all out screaming. Juliet is a demanding little girl and needs (wants) to be close to Mama or Dada all day long. However, she sleeps through the night! 

Pre-School Sneak Peek

 Sassy had a classroom visit last week at her new school. She was excited to go. She got to meet 2 of her new teachers, color, do some puzzles, play with a toy train set and see the potty. She seems excited about going to school, but still a little anxious. Sometimes when we talk about school she'll say, "I'm just not ready yet" other times she will say, "I will go to school, and play with kids, and then Momma will pick me up and take me back to Leah's house!"
 I tried to get a sister shot. Neither sister was very into it. I think Leah is feeling a little nervous about staying at school by herself. I told the teacher she had never been left anywhere besides her house without us before. The teacher looked at me like I was an absolute loon. Are other people dropping their babies and toddlers off at random places? 

 Leah liked the little rocking chairs out front. She really likes her new school shoes! Pink forever! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Zoo Day, Hooray!

 We went to the Detroit Zoo on Saturday. We had been watching for a day where it would be cool in the morning....and it finally happened! Sassy really liked the giraffes, bears, and penguins. 

 What Leah loved most of all, was the Merry-Go-Round. The first time she rode it she said, "I ride a other animals...just a horse. The ride has all sorts of animals, so an actual horse was a little hard to come by. We found one, though. She loved the ride, and insisted on riding 2 more times. However, she branched out and rode a frog and snake for the other rides. 
 Juliet was a happy girl. She alternated between sleeping in the sling and being held. 

 This is my favorite picture. There was a fenced off, designated "Smoking Area". Inside the fence were a few people in wheelchairs and another lady hacking out her smokers lung. Chris and I couldn't help but snicker. 

 Jelly Bean sleeping! I sat in the back with her on the way home and she was a happy duck! 

Fancy Girl!

Sassy now uses the BIG potty! With promises of the movie Tangled and a new dress-up kit, she now uses the big potty! She thinks the Abby insert is much more comfortable, and has even asked us to put away the little pink potty! Having Sass use the big potty is so much nicer than emptying the little potty several times a day. We are so proud of our Big Girl! 

Daily Happenings

 I love this picture of Sassy eating her cereal while reading a magazine. It was the Land of Nod catalog and it had the alphabet in wall letters. Sassy just ate away and sang the alphabet as she ate. Love her! 
 Juliet looking cute. As usual. 

 Somebody loves to ear her hands. No matter how many times we (lovingly) yank them out of there, they somehow find their way back in. We are doing everything in out power to not cultivate a finger/thumb sucker. Luckily, she seems to do it more to "play" than to comfort. She is a Nukie girl, and loves her Nuk as she falls asleep. 

Hands-On Fun

Another field trip to the Hands-On Museum. We went with Aunt Chantal's family, Aunt Nicole and Family, and Aunt Renee and family. Sassy was having so much fun that she refused to pose for pictures. The nerve. She loved it so much that we are going to return for her "Birthday Extravangza" weekend. For the first time in her life, I have to work on her birthday. I know she won't really know, but it breaks my heart. To rectify this, we are going to have an All-Sassy weekend next weekend. She has a lot of things she wants to do: Museum, Beach, get her nails done, Park, Pool.....we'll see how many things we can scratch off her list. I can't believe my baby girl is going to be 3!