Thursday, April 23, 2015

Saturday Mornings

 Leah's bond is so deep with Brain. He has always been her nap buddy, waiting in her bed for her each afternoon. Now that she is in school in the afternoon, Brain is really mourning the loss of attention. He was okay with her in school when she was still napping on the weekends, but she has pretty much given that up now. So now he asks for attention whenever it seems like it might be a possibility. He even goes into the bathroom with Leah every morning. Leah is happy to oblige, and give her boy Brain lots of snuggles and treats. 
 She loves to brush him and cuddle him. She loves to curl up next to him in the sun. 
 Juliet is just mostly annoyed by the cats. She doesn't like when they try to sit with us. She doesn't like when they block her view of the TV. However, if Leah is lavishing attention on the cats, she'll act like she likes them, too. 

Cuddling in Bed

 These girls are either best of friends in the morning, or incredibly possessive of their space, covers, and mommy. Most mornings it is the latter. This morning they were best of friends. Just the way I like it. 

Dress Up

 The girls have been REALLY into dressing up lately. Like asking everyday. And everyday I curse myself for buying the damn Disney dresses because they shed glitter like it's their job. However, anytime I get a cheaper dress, I curse myself for wasting money on something so cheaply made. It's a no win situation. Especially for L and J who just want to dress up all day, everyday. 

A few weeks ago we went to Great Lakes Crossing. Leah and Juliet did a really good job hiking over the entire mall. We forgot the stroller because we somehow got locked out of our house before we left for the mall, which left us feeling pretty frazzled. Anyway, they did so good that I agreed to let them pick out a small treat from The Disney Store. After a few close calls with them asking for dolls and toys exactly like the toys we already have at home, they settled on these wigs. This was their fashion show. The wigs were on crazy clearance. These pictures alone made the wigs worth it. 
 I just can't stop laughing at Juliet's face. It is hilarious! 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Easter at Aunt Madeleine's

 The girls had fun feeding and grooming the pony. 

 It was a beautiful day so we spent most the day outside. 

Juliet seems to have vastly improved in her bubble blowing skills. Unfortunately, she still tips over the bottle 97% of the time. 

 We even had another Egg Hunt! Juliet opened all of her eggs, so most of her candy melted in the sun. Leah kept hers to bring home and add to her stockpile. 

Easter Fun!

 Annual pre-hunt pictures on the stairs. They are looking so old! 
 Juliet found an egg. Opened it. Got really excited that there was candy in there. Refused to hunt for any other eggs. Leah was cleaning out the place, so I had to take the egg away from her (insert loud shrieking). She finally "got it" and had fun searching for other eggs. 

 The Easter Bunny also put some eggs outside. As we were getting ready to go outside, a squirrel (likely one of which we have been feeding all winter) came upon an egg. He was spinning the egg all around trying to open it. We thought that was pretty funny. Then he ran off with it. The girls were so mad! Chris and I couldn't stop laughing!

The girls were pretty excited to pose with the eggs. Our housekeeper came this week and found 2 eggs that the girls didn't find. Leah thought that there still might be more eggs to find. Chris and I had to tell her we probably got them all. 
 I didn't take any pictures of their baskets this year. The big hits from the basket were color changing ponies for the bath tub and clothes for their American Girl and Bitty Baby. 

Leah wanted to hold flowers for her Easter pictures.I think they look just like flower girls. 
Juliet let me curl her hair, too! First time ever. She also let me paint her toes this week for maybe the second time ever. 
 Happy Easter!

Easter Eve Fun

 The girls were really excited to dye some Easter Eggs. Dying eggs always reminds me of when I was really pregnant with Juliet. Leah loved dying eggs and would always ask when she could do it again. We tried to really play up the whole, "You are going to have so much fun when Mommy is in the hospital!" A few times she would reply, "So, can I dye Easter eggs?" She still loves it. 
 Juliet was pretty interested, too. She gets so mad if she can't do exactly what Leah is doing at the exact same time, though. There might have been some shrieking happening during the process... The dye stains pretty bad, and Juliet did not like having to be more dependent on Daddy. Even with the increased supervision, she ended up with dye all over her hands and somehow tracked it all over the floor. 
 Their finished product!

 While they were doing that, I made this cake. Thank you Pinterest. The girls helped me eat the leftover frosting. Chris laughed at me for taking a picture of the cake. He kept asking me if I was going to load it unto Facebook now. For some reason we think it's really funny when people post pictures of what they're eating. 

 We tried to take some Easter Eve pictures, and it went pretty well....

Dress Up Clothes and Brain Andrew Charles

 A few weeks ago I had to go to Grand Rapids for a few days for a Reading Conference. I wanted to bring something home for the girls, but everything in the gift shop was pretty overpriced. The Disney Store happened to be having 28% off site wide, so I picked up these 2 nightgowns. To say that the girls love these would be an understatement. Leah got a Rapunzel one a few years ago and it is so worn and tattered, but she refused to give it up. She let me trade it out when we got the new one. Juliet feels like a "big girl" and calls the gown "my good girl night gown". 
 Last week we took the girls to see Cinderella. Anna met us there. The girls were pretty well behaved. Juliet made it through her first movie. Chris only had to take her out 1 time! They loved the movie. Juliet thought it was hilarious that the prince's name was Kit, because that it also the American Girl she wants. 
 We wanted them to pose in front of the sign, and take a lovely picture, but it was undermined when Chris kept loudly sighing and telling us we were going to miss the Frozen short (we didn't---not even close). 
 Chris told me Brain looks like Jabba the Hut here. I don't see it at all. He looks like Brain Andrew Charles the handsome.