Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Leah Bean

 Leah brought home this amazing self-portrait her last day of school. Chris and I agreed that it was one of her best pieces. We had it framed, and Leah really enjoyed helping select the frame and matting. It's hanging in her room now, but I have visions of having a finished basement with lots of framed art in the future. 
 We also decided that it was time for her training wheels to come off. One of the wheels was totally shredded, and it was becoming obvious that she didn't need them anymore. She was a mixture of excited and reluctant to take the wheels off. 
 But look at this, one little push and she was off. No wobbling or extra support needed. Daddy is the family bike expert. He runs along side and offers support, encouragement, and tips. 

 I love this picture! Look at that look of excitement! 
 She's making turns, too! 
 We are so proud of her. In the week since we started Leah has mastered riding and turning. She just needs to be steadied to start riding. She sometimes needs a reminder to use the brakes instead of just putting her feet down. Her and Chris did an entire bike ride together yesterday. Pretty awesome! 
 There might have been a little spill or two the first day. Luckily she was well protected. 
 Ollie was a good watch dog and made sure she stayed safe. 

4th of July

 C's firm bought tickets to the fireworks at Greenfield Village this year. The Detroit Symphony Orchestra preformed and there were fireworks timed to the music at the end. I don't know if I've ever been to Greenfield Village, and if I have, not since I was a kid. It was really cool. Next time we will plan on coming a little earlier to explore.

The event was really nice. I thought it could maybe become a tradition. 
 I did manage to get a few quick pictures before the sun went down. Juliet Renee, refusing to look at the camera.  

 The girls liked the music, and had fun dancing and making friends with random kids. 
 Juliet seemed to sense that Daddy didn't want to put her in her place in front of his bosses, so she took full advantage of using Chris like a jungle gym. There was lots of climbing and flopping. 
 Getting pictures of fireworks is hard. This is the best I got. There were cannons that went off, too, that were super loud and made us all jump.