Thursday, August 26, 2010

All About Leah!

Today is Leah's last day as an eleven month old. I thought I'd take a few minutes to remark on Leah's favorite things.

Leah's best friend is Brain. She loves all animals, but her relationship with Brain is something special. She discovered additional cat toys in the dining room (namely the type that are a stick with a toy at the end), and enjoys using it to play with Brain. When she gets tired she often tries to snuggle Brain, instead of a blanket (or dishrag-yuck!). Leah loves playing outside. She especially loves swinging (on the big girl swing). When I go to the garage, she runs as quickly as she can to the door after me. She likes to catch the neighbors' attention by squealing loudly. She is getting good at walking through the grass. Everyday we wait for Daddy. She enjoys pointing to the passing cars until Daddy pulls in the driveway. Then, she runs toward the car saying, "Dada, Dada".

Leah's favorite indoor activities are: climbing the stairs, playing with Brain, trying to get to Annie, feeding Ruggie 1/2 of whatever she's eating, dancing, and reading. She is a busy girl, but she always has time for a good book. Chris and I can get her to come back from other rooms by beginning to "read" the first pages of her favorite books ("Where is Mommy?", "Where is Daddy?", "Little Feet Love", and "Hooray for Fish").

Leah loves eating fruit (especially watermelon), chicken, avacado, string cheese, pizza, and pasta dishes. She still loves nursing and shows no signs of cutting back or trying alternative beverages (except ice water).

Leah has 8.5 teeth. One molar has cut, and the others are looking close (though they've looked close for 3 weeks now). All the molars have caused her to sleep restlessly. Chris jokes that she has become the endangered, crying worm from The Simpsons. She has gone from waking twice a night to sometimes waking up every 45 minutes. She insists on sleeping across my chest beginning at 6 am each morning. She has become more of a Daddy's girl in recent weeks, but still insists that Mommy put her to bed each night.

Everyone Leah meets remarks that she is a very happy baby. She loves flirting with strangers and waving enthusiastically at everyone she meets. I'll ask her, "Ready to go bye-bye with Mommy?", and she'll get a huge smile on her face and come running.

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