Sunday, December 19, 2010

Yay Leah!

Leah has grown so much since school started. She now says: mama, dada, kitty, uh-oh, thank you, what's that, cheese, hi, eye, baby, bye-bye, ball, book, Addy, good boy, and Roo (for Rugen). She can also follow directions. She will turn off the tv and lights, get a book, find Addy, sit in her chair, and go upstairs (to name a few). I'm so impressed with her growth!
She had her 15 month well visit last week. The report is that Leah is pretty amazing. Her stats are: 31st percentile for height, 50th for weight, 95th for head. She was not a happy girl at the appointment. She has developed some stranger danger and did not appreciate the nurse touching her.
Chris and I were just talking about how cute she's been the past week. Lili's newest trick is to wave bye-bye to everyone and wait at the bottom of the stairs when she's tired. It's really cute. Lili loves to wave!

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