Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pinkalicious Cupcakes

After reading Pinkalicious several times a day for the past few weeks, we decided to make our pinkalicious cupcakes. Leah was helpful throughout the process. Early on, her favorite part was eating the batter and eating the frosting. What she enjoyed most, though, was putting sprinkles on the cupcakes. She used all the pink, purple, and yellow sprinkles we had. Then she insisted on putting "a pinch" of large sprinkles on each cupcake. After every pinch she would say, "that's my favorite!".

Here is how they turned out. Yummy!

Leah didn't eat much of her cupcake. I think she ate her weight in batter and frosting when helping. This morning we shared a cupcake after breakfast. She ate her entire half and said, "yummy pinkalicious!".

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